I hope there’s some malicious compliance that happens. Where they remove all of it. Everyone is referred to by their full name for every place you would normally use a pronoun. Like even It would become the fullname of the object everytime.
I hope everyone starts talking in the 3rd person
I have a friend named Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla
I’ve never understood the progressive left’s eagerness to ‘claim’ pronouns and put them on display. It’s silly to believe anyone can possess them. Your being a he or a she is determined by social context. Accept that your ability to enforce a personal preference is limited at best.
Which is why people put it in places that they can control, like social media bio, signatures in emails etc so that they are lease have it communicated, giving people the ability to use it.
monkeys paw. Pronouns are fully banned. He and She no matter the context are entirely banned. You must now use solely full names
“breadsmasher is posting this comment. breadsmasher hopes itll engage discussion. breadsmasher thinks this is a stupid way to address breadsmashers self”
Talk like Hulk
“Hopes itll engage discussion”
You’re fired
oh my god i failed so much
Don’t worry, they’ll still give you bread and water in the lithium mines. Probably.
I got some more bad news for you, bud