tl;dr: Police “Insulted” by insinuations photo radar has been used as a cash cow. Also police: Requirement to restrict photo radar to school zones, construction sites, and locations with demonstrably higher collision rates due to speeding has resulted in a $28M funding gap for Calgary ALONE.
This has to stop. OMG
Will someone please, for the love of God, get this organization an accountant and a financial planner?
No matter how much money we give these guys, the state of crime and this city continues to decline. Enough.
Guys, we need more money or we won’t be able to do the job that we never do!
ACAB Cops are fucking useless unless you’re wealthy
Wait aren’t these the same guys who fought to have racist iconography on their uniforms?
I got stopped by the Calgary Police trying to hitchhike after getting stranded outside the city. Why? People saw me trying to hitchhike, got scared and called the cops. The bastard gave me wrong directions, I ended up sleeping in a ditch.
Your tax dollars paid for that call and response, Calgary.
Bury a toy skeleton under the snow nearby and when the snow melts…
Maybe their budget shouldn’t rely on tickets?
Wtf sort of system is that…
One that incentivizes enforcement that targets the lower income levels of society.
Allegedly it aint like this in EU
Fuuuuck you guys.
Good. Thet can find efficiencies like everybody else instead of getting special privilege.