Like openai and proton?
We are still in a trust me bro situation… We just trust signal bro more than meta bro.
Like openai and proton?
We are still in a trust me bro situation… We just trust signal bro more than meta bro.
There was a large economic element to him persecuting the Jews that gets ignored in normal discourse.
He wanted their assets to shore up German capital among other sources like slave labour at industrial facilities.
Nazi nepo babies are benefing from it to this day but everyone ignores that the same way they ignore how a lot of US capital was extracted from slavery.
His real crime is threatening profits of a corporation…
MIT is forever disgraced for their conduct and should be stripped of their tax exempt status.
Trump is official the president… Don’t be stupid. Federal government will do what he says by the time he is stopped, we will be balls deep in shit.
Never under estimate your opponent, thats how we got here.
If tesla failed and just lost his entire position…
He would still be a billionaire lol
These people can at fail. They are the system
Porsche family still has a stake in VW… Nazi capital still kicking
Parasite’s entire MO is to never give back.
JFK, tupac, biggie, Malcolm X, king
Part of the learning curve… People should be shopping around anyway.
Maybe their budget shouldn’t rely on tickets?
Wtf sort of system is that…
Sounds plain sloppy lol
Badest AI, rookie opsec
Prolly ain’t even that rare and people who have obligations are still putting the little time they have into the phone time.
Prolly more so because that all you got energy for.
Unlike Trump those men actually have other reasons to be associated with Epstein whereas Trump was his friend.
oh rly?
God damn… Appreciate the heads up on that
With that being said. Mcirog with aurora folks!
This is a psyop to distract the peasants that Israel is taking over Gaza and it will be colonies by Israeli Jews…
Like Epstein setting up gates with Russian yoing woman? Which cause his divorce?
Or chomsky visiting Epstein in NYC for "Financial advice?
Or do we only buy that only Trump did the crime here?
It is not CRA’s job to harass job creators 🤡
In Europe and even South America there’s tons of mechanisms to stop that from happening,
How naive is you?
The only difference between US and other regimes is that other regimes understand political science and current US regime doesn’t…
Make no mistake, this behavior will have consequences for the US government. People seeing this behavior in such raw condition will rewire the subjects brains going forward.
Big part of being a sovereign is having peasants accept your authority… You don’t fucking piss on their faces en mass and then expect them to obey Lol
It is getting hard for normies to larp “Constitution” online haha
Source is CNBC lol
why is this corpo shit paper permitted in pro worker sub?