Use flatpak for anything newer. Most things are already available as flatpak, only things I haven’t seen available are terminal based applications as Flatpak.
Though maybe in a future version we might get that capability. I’ve always been told you can’t install terminal based applications like neofetch or bpyTOP as flatpak. Which is kind of a bummer but not that big of a deal.
The real “scorched earth” strategy:
Edit: forgor 6. Tell everyone you use Arch
repeatedly, and put it in your bio “I use Arch, btw!”
that just sounds like nixos impermanence with extra steps
Use flatpak for anything newer. Most things are already available as flatpak, only things I haven’t seen available are terminal based applications as Flatpak.
Though maybe in a future version we might get that capability. I’ve always been told you can’t install terminal based applications like neofetch or bpyTOP as flatpak. Which is kind of a bummer but not that big of a deal.
If you’re at the level of having a personal setup script, you should be able to solve just about any problem on Arch without reinstalling.
Source: Been doing it for 10 years now, not a single reinstall.