If a landlord shares a certain portion of the home with the tenant, they can kick out the tenant without notice.
Requires notice, can be appealed, can’t be in winter
A private landlord can also choose to move themself or a family member into a rented property, kicking out the tenant.
Same as above, and it needs to go through the board.
A corporation can still evict a tenant, but aside from not being able to move themselves or a family member in, they generally have the same tools that a private landlord has
They haven’t been following the rules so in practice there are no rules
Requires notice, can be appealed, can’t be in winter
Same as above, and it needs to go through the board.
They haven’t been following the rules so in practice there are no rules
The corporation needs to go through the board. But I think kicking out a “roommate” doesn’t need to go through the board.
Now, if you’ve rented out your home’s basement apartment, then yeah, you’re bound by the RTA and the whims of the LTB, but so are the corporations.
Sorry to link to Reddit, but there’s some discussion here: https://old.reddit.com/r/OntarioLandlord/comments/16gxdez/how_to_evict_boarderroomer/