If Putin and Andrew Tate teamed up they’d have a whole chin.
Thanks. I hate it.
Needs more orange
Not to pick on OP specifically (because I see this everywhere) but I’m really tired of the Trump and Putin as a gay couple thing. Is it supposed to be an insult? If yes, why?
They both have made it very clear that it’s something they want eradicated. So making it of them is just a natural way to rebel against them. Putin has some very specific images he has ordered to be “removed” from the internet. Should be one of the first results when you search for it, as we know how publicly trying to have something removed from the internet goes…
It’s an easy way to poke them in what is a sore spot for them. And since we have no real power against them, it’s the best we got.
As far as I’m concerned I didn’t intend to point to anything sexual. Politically everything Trump does, Putin is happy with. So it’s like this is his main motivation.
Because they’re both probably homophobic, so these jokes would piss them off while also representing the fact that Trump is in putins pocket.
Thanks a lot, i feel so wrong
Didn’t need that brainworm first thing on a Saturday morning… 😂
You’re welcome! I self inflicted this as well 🥲
Oh shit this is good. Took me too long to realize it’s Putin in the the image as well. Also, a song I totally forgot about
Jeez if it weren’t for you I’d still be like “. . wha . . . is this a . . . *turns head 45 degrees* . . I mean it’s just . . . well . . .”
Same. I actually thought it was Bezos before I realized it couldn’t be.
Damn, well done