No one alive will experience a better climate than we have today. But young people will experience a much more dangerous and chaotic world in the future.
No one alive will experience a better climate than we have today. But young people will experience a much more dangerous and chaotic world in the future.
And that’s why we should resist and reject the works of these mofos
they’re boilng us alive like frogs sitting in a pot going to work everyday
Hence, it’s time to look for answers to act my friend! I personally suggest reading The Ecology of Freedom from Murray Bookchin
At some point a a super volcano will go off and we will turn back into a snowball.
Gambling is part of the problem. You can’t rely on luck.
Already 60°C in thermal sensivity in Rio de Janeiro yesterday. If the end comes, It will not be with a bang, but as a sloooooow cook. And it’s happening right now so: Time to act!