The opposite. They’re more likely to think that the drink of unknown provenance that they find in front of them might be sulphuric acid, and so they avoid drinking it, even if it was actually a perfectly safe beverage.
I wondered whether escaping would work, but not enough to test it.
I actually like the escaping method better because
My time spent with git has resulted in me seeing lots of editors argue about whether whitespace at the end of a line is acceptable, but I prefer to do without
I post almost exclusively from my mobile device, so two spaces create a full stop where I don’t want one
I’m accustomed to escaping newlines from my shell scripting experience, so it looks right to me
It reminds me of xkcd, which I have frequently enjoyed
Regardless of which method any of us use, thank you for the information!
Pessimists drink sulfuric acid?
I’d have said carbonic acid
And who can blame them with how the world’s going?
The opposite. They’re more likely to think that the drink of unknown provenance that they find in front of them might be sulphuric acid, and so they avoid drinking it, even if it was actually a perfectly safe beverage.
Little Johnny was a
scientistpessimistLittle Johnny is no more
For what he thought was H2O
Was H2SO4
edit: I love markdown, but I hate how it handles line breaks.
Add 2 spaces at the end of your line then enter to the line below for a normal next line
Like this
Proof, y’all
You can also just put a \ at the end of a line
Then continue on below
But I think I like your method better tbh
I wondered whether escaping would work, but not enough to test it.
I actually like the escaping method better because
Regardless of which method any of us use, thank you for the information!
Much appreciated!