Early game destruction magic is such a letdown. During my first playthrough I put points into duel wielding fire magic. Enemies would ignore the spire of flame being blown at them and bonk me on the head once for an instant kill.
It makes a little bit of sense. Some dude just spent four hours killing rats in a sewer and suddenly he finds he can throw fire from his hands, he’s probably not going to be that good at it.
I feel like when you’re spewing fire from your hands the CC should be a level 1 benefit and not a late/mid? game unlock if the damage isn’t impressive either.
I tried to do a traveling mage run where I didn’t use fast travel. Had to quit two hours in because it was just. Bear. Walk twenty feet. Bear. Walk ten feet. Bear. Turn around to go back to a bed and regain health and mana. Bear. Bears are extremely hard to kill with basic destruction spells.
Early game destruction magic is such a letdown. During my first playthrough I put points into duel wielding fire magic. Enemies would ignore the spire of flame being blown at them and bonk me on the head once for an instant kill.
yeah fair enough… I think they tried to make melee on par with ranged magic
It makes a little bit of sense. Some dude just spent four hours killing rats in a sewer and suddenly he finds he can throw fire from his hands, he’s probably not going to be that good at it.
I feel like when you’re spewing fire from your hands the CC should be a level 1 benefit and not a late/mid? game unlock if the damage isn’t impressive either.
I tried to do a traveling mage run where I didn’t use fast travel. Had to quit two hours in because it was just. Bear. Walk twenty feet. Bear. Walk ten feet. Bear. Turn around to go back to a bed and regain health and mana. Bear. Bears are extremely hard to kill with basic destruction spells.