Better off to die fighting for humanity, not “the other white…” rich politicians. The america before Trump wasn’t one I wanted to live for either.
This war was going on before Obama and Bush. It’s more fundamental than left and right politics. It’s a mass social existential crisis in a nation that was taught to consume as a way to escape the reality of life as a human being. There is no saviour to run to. We’ve wasted so much time putting blind faith into mainstream pop politicians that live for “the game” and not humanity.
Bernie endorsed Kamala because he’s an adult that understands accelerationism is something only idiots that have never read a history book think will bring progress.
Better off to die fighting for humanity, not “the other white…” rich politicians. The america before Trump wasn’t one I wanted to live for either.
This war was going on before Obama and Bush. It’s more fundamental than left and right politics. It’s a mass social existential crisis in a nation that was taught to consume as a way to escape the reality of life as a human being. There is no saviour to run to. We’ve wasted so much time putting blind faith into mainstream pop politicians that live for “the game” and not humanity.
…except maybe Bernie.
Bernie endorsed Kamala because he’s an adult that understands accelerationism is something only idiots that have never read a history book think will bring progress.
You’re getting accelerationism whether you think it’s dangerous or not, you better gear up and train.
Well now we are. Train for the thunder dome as that is the new law.
Again read a history book. After whatever collapse you’re hoping for happens, things will be built back to be similar to how it was before.
What a stupid response.
Me telling you that American fascism is coming for your throat is not “hoping for collapse”
I don’t think you know what the word “accelerationist” means.
Oh no please politics understander tell me what that means please