Mixed zoning is what makes neighbourhoods walkable and liveable and truly desirable for a much wider range of working-class people from all backgrounds and family sizes; not just the white, upper-class, monoculture-focused, and conformance-obsessed NIMBYs.
I am an Iranian living in Tehran and definitely not upper middle class. Fuck you. I am facing actual difficulty because of this shit. Fucking bunch of western champagne leftists on lemmy with this ass holier than thou attitude SMH
Mixed zoning is absolutely evil. My area is becoming unliveable and gentrified because of people’s shitty businesses
Mixed zoning is what makes neighbourhoods walkable and liveable and truly desirable for a much wider range of working-class people from all backgrounds and family sizes; not just the white, upper-class, monoculture-focused, and conformance-obsessed NIMBYs.
I am an Iranian living in Tehran and definitely not upper middle class. Fuck you. I am facing actual difficulty because of this shit. Fucking bunch of western champagne leftists on lemmy with this ass holier than thou attitude SMH
Curious for more information on what makes mixed zoning unliveable?