Leaving a game running in the backvround while doing other things still adds up
I have several hundred hours in PAYDAY 2 because I didn’t have heat one winter and the main menu kept my room warm lol
I play 2-3 hours a day and sometimes 5 on the weekends. Easily get a few 1000 hours in a year and if I like a game ill play it for years
You just got to find the right game that will ruin your life.
Idle games
Steam just tracks how long the program is running. My old rig played Dark Souls 3 24/7 sometimes because the .exe file would glitch and stay open until I manually terminated it. I averaged 168 hours a week coming back from a 2 week vacation once.
I would hate that so much that I would get Dark Souls removed from my account.
Yeah, my friend has this same issue. She has been playing The Sims 4 for like seven months now.
You let your PC run through 2 weeks of vacation?
It normally would go on sleep mode and be off anyway so I hadn’t noticed it was on when I left. That was how I learned that the .exe would just stay running and not allow things to shut off normally when idle.
I have over 1,900 hrs on Deep Rock Galactic.
The key is persistence.
Rock and Stone! oT
3500 here. Actually, the key is procrastination.
Rock and stone! It never gets old oT
Did I hear a Rock and Stone?! oT
If you don’t rock and stone, you ain’t comin’ home! oT
Some like a game enough to play it for years. I wasn’t one, until I found an obscure racing combat game called “OnRush”, and have over 3700 hours in it. Can’t even get it on the PS Store anymore, but I still play it drunk now and again.
Forget to turn the launcher off and your computer off a few times and it adds up.
Some people are also lucky enough to have a bullshit job and still be remote.
In college I would study between rounds of civ and binding of isaac. These days I’ll use a rougelike or stardew or something as something to do while listening to an audiobook when the weather isn’t fit for biking
My steam account has just over 4000 hours logged in Dota 2, plus there’s about 1000 hours sitting on another dead account somewhere.
I played the game for like 7 years, pretty much daily for anywhere between 30 minutes to… Well I did a 24 hour stream once when I finally decided to play ranked for a while. I think about that stream whenever I consider going back to the game, but the audience has changed so much and language barriers are so difficult in games like that
uh, factorio just hits the neurons right, idk what to tell you.
Minecraft just hits my autism where it hurts. I’m a simple man, you entertain my neurons, and i will be happy.
I have around 1500 in KSP but tbf, most of that is AFK where I’ve had to do long manouvre burns in the multiples of hours so I’ve just set it and walked away lol.
And here I am struggling to get into orbit with my duct tape and boosters. Hour long burns seem insane.
I have like 3700 hours in factorio, but I also leave it running when I’m not around… like an idle game
I think im around 2000 without ever leaving it idle…
this is why we use dedicated servers my friend. You’re supposed to load it into a dedicated server when you’re getting to the megabase scale.
A typical working year is approximately 2,000 hours, just for context.
That is nuts.
Woo, means I can officially add Warframe to my work experience (2.7k)!
I only have 16,000 hours on record for Eve online. it’s ok I guess, not sure I’d recommend it.
o7 pilot, keep those numbers up
That amount of work would qualify you as a master tradesman in many fields.
A typical apprenticeship is 6-8k
I only have 16,000 hours on record for Eve online. it’s ok I guess, not sure I’d recommend it.
I leveled up my Excel skill because of EVE, so that could be a legit resume entry unoe. (Not because the Overview is a giant table, I mean, I made an actual spreadsheet for Jita trading 😂).
I know WoW guild leaders that turned that experience into a resume point. “Managed a large group of disconnected people to accomplish group tasks”
If they can pull that off then you can pull this one.
Factorio enters chat.