Look at what happens when you don’t burn the fascist the moment it pops up. It will get worse and then even more worse.
I wish the non-mouth breathing half of the US the best of luck.
What’s an illegal protest? I thought first amendment speech covered that
Also, how can he expel a student from a school he doesn’t control? or does he mean expel students from the country?
Oh so only Trump has the right to stage protes… oh I mean storm the capitol
So much for the 1st Amendment. Guess that’s only valid when it fuels the Trumpsterfire.
I’m not in his district but I was so impressed by Rep. AL Green’s (https://algreen.house.gov/about) courage in standing up to and calling out Krasnov’s and the GOP’s lies yesterday that I wanted to donate some money. Unlike all the impotent, sclerotic clowns who call themselves the Dem “leadership” and constantly ask me for money whilst the most they do are write “Strongly worded letters” and finger wagging, Rep. Green’s website was all about service to his district. I literally could not find a way to donate to him. But he is now a hero of mine. If only HE or one of the few with his courage and fire were leading the Dems. I wish he were 20 years younger. He’d have made a great president.
“Thank you for your attention to this matter.”
Every time I scroll past this image, that’s the line that gets me. Bold threatening declaration by fascist dictator, then ends like a work email reminding you not to leave food in the cafeteria fridge over the weekend.
honey look, freedom of expression and the right to protest in America just
gotdropped.Let’s not keep making the mistake of assuming Trump’s tweets have force of law. He’s just talking out of his ass again, just like he’s not actually invading greenland and canada. Notice how he’s talking about at least 4 different actions here, I’m pretty sure none of which he can actually do. 5 if you count thanking us for our attention to this matter (?). If Trump tries to do anything in this regard no judge* will uphold it.
*Obligatory other than Clarence Thomas
People in power do what he says. His word is de facto law, even if it’s illegal. It literally does not matter. You are in denial if you think he’s not going to get away with this.
Let’s not keep making the mistake of assuming the rule of law matters at this point. If he does something and nobody stops it, its legality or lack there of is moot. If he says to do something and people do it and nobody stops him (or judge’s rulings about it are ignored), then it doesn’t matter that it was illegal.
I know you’re just trying to get people to calm down, but at this point, people are right to be scared and right to think these things could actually come to pass considering it has happened before. Maybe it won’t get that far… But plenty has already happened that should never have happened, and the US currently has a president who is illegally, specifically unconstitutionally, holding office and was allowed to be sworn in anyway, so it’s probably not a good idea to assume this won’t happen just because it’s also unconstitutional.
Hey remember that wall that didn’t get built?
The fact that no one is trolling him about it shows how people are weirdly compliant about all this.
Mask up. Leave your phones at home. Break shit.
deleted by creator
Americans, come to Europe !
you’ll be treated like human beings here
I wonder how will be the US’s method for ‘accidental demise’ moving foward.
Defenestration is already taken by Russia, but Trump is not that original, so I’m guessing he’ll use the same method, considering he’s working form Putin and all.You heard the man, fire any employee and expel any student who participated in the January 6 insurrection.
Ah yes, that free speech that Musk is always taking about.