And this, my friends, are why tariffs are dumb.
We tariff you infinity plus one.
But did you triple stamp it?
Oh fuck we forgot to triple stamp it
Don’t worry; Trump will stamp as often as you want.
Bring the pain.
The harder the better. Trump won’t stop on his own. The people will need to get pissed and demand change.
Bring the pain.
Target exports from red states. Squeeze those Trump voting mother fuckers until reality slaps them in the face and they squeal like the little facist pricks they are.
Bring the pain.
The thing is that when the Americans struggle their government will have nothing for them. But Canada’s government has already given its people motivation and assurances that they wi all feed, reeducate, retool and do whatever they can to help.
Yup. It’s shitty that Americans don’t get help and the government is actively making it worse. Unfortunately it’s the reality. So unless it hurts, people are not going to change or scream loud enough at their inbred redneck senator to change it.
Trade war with our allies! So much freedom and cost savings.
What are friends for if you can’t tax them into enemies??
Laugh all you want but this is clearly a top 4d chess move. It’s a little early to tell exactly what it is, but it’s either the I’m rubber; you’re glue gambit, or it could be the neener-neener maneuver. Either way, we should be proud to witness this in our lifetimes.
Trump will get his wish, this ones going in the history books…
It’s funny; Canada’s retaliatory tariffs are designed to redirect Canadians to equivalent Canadian products that will now be more affordable, and so more desirable for Canadians to purchase. Trump’s response is… make those products less affordable in the US.
End result? Canada less reliant on US products, and US selling less product.
I’m not sure what Trump expected from a 1:1 response? When the markets aren’t equal, a 1:1 response makes absolutely no sense.
The Canadian products will be more expensive too. If the tariffs increase demand for Canadian products, and the price of American products is higher, it will drive the price of the Canadian products up. Ideally not by much, but they will go up.
However, I will happily suffer through price increases if it means my country is standing up to this shithead.
Btw this is to make Russia our new and exclusive trading partner
Russia doesn’t really produce anything except things U.S. companies export or can easily source elsewhere. And like half of their next generation emigrated or died trying to take 20 more meters of Eastern Ukrainian villages. I don’t expect any great scientific advancements coming anytime soon.
I’m not sure how that trade relationship would even work. Trade deals only work if the private sector is involved and the U.S. private sector doesn’t want Russian products or to investment in a place where there’s no rule of law.
or to investment in a place where there’s no rule of law.
Like USA?
Delaware and the Cayman Islands have sort of morphed over time from tax havens to places that have professional, efficient, and fair courts for corporation v corporation situations.
Not saying that’s good. I think it’s trash, actually. But there’s now legitimate reasons two equal corporations doing something without any tax implications whatsoever write contracts with each other agreeing the contracts will fall under one of those two jurisdictions. Every corporate lawyer can probably back me up. They went from shameful tax havens to just efficient places with expertise.
I how hope countries rally and help out Canada and Mexico. We are allies not just because of America.
My God we’re all going to starve to death.
Art of the Deal
You’re not retaliating, I’m retaliating!
spidermen gif
Can someone more knowledgeable about politics than me please tell me how 1 person can just slap on tarifs willy-nilly?
Shouldn’t things like this have to go through some sort of vote in congress?
Could the US president just call up all CEOs that use steel and be like: “gonna need some donations or I’ll put some tarifs on any imported steel”?
Because when you’re a dictator they let you do it.
Seriously, that’s literally the reason: because between SCOTUS abdicating its power in Trump v. United States and Congress abdicating its power by the Republican majority refusing to impeach, Trump can do whatever the fuck he wants, no matter how illegal, and there’s nobody willing and able to stop him.
Yep, this is it. One person can do to because they’ve allowed him to do it. It’s that simple.
Without presuming your level of knowledge about world history, I’ll say that Trump used Fentanyl the same way that Hitler used the Reichstag fire, as an excuse to give him the emergency power to do such things unilaterally.
Because congress lets him with the IEEPA and the Tarrif Act.
Yes, he could. It would definitely violate a bunch of laws leading to impeachment by Congress (in theory).
Trump used a sneaky never been used before International emergency economic powers act to impose tariffs under the guise of national security. ie drugs, immigrants and Canadas northern border a security threat even thought Canada has never been threatened by any one but the US. This act bypassed regulatory hurdles making trade decisions without the required checks and balance. Trump has also found a work around of the US constitution with his Executive Order form the end of February which takes out the check and balances that use to make the US people not beholden to one person or one party . So he really is King and the US really is a dictatorship now
Akin to Putin invading Ukraine, the tariffs aren’t a trade war, they’re a Stupid Economic Operation.
If you would have told me even 6 months ago that we would be in a trade war with Canada, our literal closest ally…I would have totally fucking believed you. Not even a question. How people can be shocked by this is beyond my understanding.
What, you thought that a faux tough guy was going to be good for our national image and international policy?
Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe vowed to cut down barriers on interprovincial trade
Interesting - in the US this isn’t allowed, I didn’t realize it was a thing in Canada.
The provinces and territories have a lot of power, mandated in our Constitution. Some don’t have many trade barriers, while others do.
It’s an interesting decision - I’m curious about the pros and cons of that choice. US States have a fair amount of power as well but that one is explicitly excluded in the constitution – which makes a fair amount of sense to me, though maybe because I’m used to it. I can only imagine what we’d be going through right now if Florida could regulate trade with California.