I had a hard time staying sane trying to see them as actual American politicians. When you let yourself see them as fifth columnists hell-bent on ending America, reality starts to feel way more coherent.
Because the Republican party represents the rich class. Whatever helps the bottom line. I’m absolutely shocked how many middle to lower class people vote for Republicans. They’re literally voting against their own interests. The Democrats need to modify their agenda to be a full fledged worker class party or we’re doomed.
But they have been told soooooo many times by the best news station (fox) and the most trustable youtubers that it’s the Democrats that are working for the rich and against them so they MUST support the orange supreme leader.
effective use propaganda, especially with collusion of MSM and social media helps, with decades of it. of course being sourced from RU helps too, which is the main backers of disinformation in the us.
That’s a good question. I think they just follow the money, meaning they do what the biggest spenders tell them to do. This isn’t even any sort of political movement anymore, it’s pure corruption.
Why do Republicans feel compelled to be on the unethical or wrong side of literally everything!?
They just have to be contrarian. All they do is to be contrarian. Always reminds me of this moment from Obama: https://youtu.be/akjXqfvLu28
No matter how good of an idea or how simple it is, it’s just more important for them to be contrarian.
The US needs Obama 2.0
Didn’t you hear? All US presidents are baby fuckingly evil especially Obama.
I had a hard time staying sane trying to see them as actual American politicians. When you let yourself see them as fifth columnists hell-bent on ending America, reality starts to feel way more coherent.
Because the Republican party represents the rich class. Whatever helps the bottom line. I’m absolutely shocked how many middle to lower class people vote for Republicans. They’re literally voting against their own interests. The Democrats need to modify their agenda to be a full fledged worker class party or we’re doomed.
But they have been told soooooo many times by the best news station (fox) and the most trustable youtubers that it’s the Democrats that are working for the rich and against them so they MUST support the orange supreme leader. /s
boomers loves fox, younger cons love newsmax/oan and people like shapiro,etc.
effective use propaganda, especially with collusion of MSM and social media helps, with decades of it. of course being sourced from RU helps too, which is the main backers of disinformation in the us.
Because money and hurt narcissistic feelings. But mostly money.
That’s a good question. I think they just follow the money, meaning they do what the biggest spenders tell them to do. This isn’t even any sort of political movement anymore, it’s pure corruption.
Drinking sewage to own the libs.