Had a wedding.
Rookie mistake… Hopefully you’re fully recovered, as I am…
Gave birth.
Eat squid jerky. One of the worst things I’ve ever put in my mouth.
I grew up with it, lol.
i went to subway recently… the sandwich place. holy hell what a pile of expensive dogshit.
When you could get $5 foot longs it was worth it. But sammiches are like $15 now.
And then I read once there is so much sugar in the bread that in Europe it would be considered cake.
Maybe next time try the expensive tuna instead of dogshit.
Snow skiing. After about the 50th time falling over I said “I’m not enjoying this at all,” took off my skis, and enjoyed the rest of the day not falling over.
chewing tobacco. don’t get me wrong, I love cigarettes (not a “smoker,” I don’t keep a pack around), and pipes, but I got so sick the one time I chewed… and it lasts hours, unlike the cigarette headrush.
In a similar manner, I’ve spent the last two years being addicted to snus (Swedish tobacco pouches you put under your lip). Finally quit using it during Christmas and holy hell I’ve regained so much energy. Never again.
dang! good for you!
30 minutes ago I tried some Goody’s for my headache. It tastes like death and didn’t even help the headache.
Huh, weird. That’s my go to. It doesn’t taste that bad to me, but I’ve tasted some pretty horrible things.
Ate aspic.
Driving 233 km/h. Fun to see it was possible, way too risky.
315km/h for me on a motorbike. So fast that by the time you notice and register something, it’s already 100m behind you. Fun as hell. Risk not anywhere equivalent to reward though. Never again.
A while back I met a guy on a ride-share app that would drive 200 km/h+ whenever possible. Always tried to book him when he was availible.
Whippets. I had this awful sensation of being frozen in a horrible moment of eternity while my friends looked on in amusement, not realizing I was experiencing timeless hell.
oh damn. was it combined with another drug? I’ve always thought of those as “whee, haha, my voice sounds different,” but mix it with a hallucinogen or something and you are in another dimension.
Recently? I got graston done on my knees (https://painhero.ca/blog/the-graston-technique-what-is-it-and-how-effective-is-it)
Might work well for some, but I could barely walk for a week.
So, what? Are they just crushing your muscle fibers with meat tenderizers and hoping it heals back better? That looks… unsettling.
I mean, kind of. It’s meant to break up scar tissue and adhesions.
Paid extra in a movie. Worst $80 I’ve ever earned.
Story time?
No, it was called, “Extra Facial”.
The story is it was extremely boring. Hearing two or three people say the same thing over and over for hours, no breaks, no food. A ten-hour day and we didn’t even make minimum wage.
I did get within groping distance of both Gwenyth Paltrow and Jake Gyllenhaal, though.
Funny how being an unpaid extra is a totally different experience. It was a giant party. I was in the crowd at the Steelers stadium when Bane blew up the field in Dark Knight Rises. We had to crouch down behind seats and look terrified. We couldn’t fucking understand anything of what Bane was saying, but assumed it would be fixed in post. Haha, no it wasn’t.
We had swag bags. They brought out 3 Tumblers to amuse us. Most Steelers players were there, Tom Hardy ofc (who didn’t even look like himself he was so jacked for that role). We got to hear what it sounds like when that 1 of 4 in existence IMAX camera broke. They fed us lots of Popsicles because it was 90-something degrees in July and they were filming a winter scene and wanted us to be wearing cold weather gear. It was a fun day. 10/10 worth the drive up from DC to go do that.
Trust a christian.
Remember when they crucified their own lord and savor. Honestly this one is kinda on you bro.
Tbf he was crucified by romans of unspecified religion. Also he got better.
John 18:28-40
Sorry buddy but ya wrong
Imagine being taught that when you think, that voice in your head is god speaking. Now understand that ANYTHING god says or does is righteous…never trust a christian indeed. Its literally induced schizophrenia and narcissism.
You guys were taught that it was god?? I was taught it was always satan or some lesser demon lying to me.
I tried to watch an episode of The Big Bang Theory once 🤢
The laugh track.
It ruins so. Many. Shows.
I mean … maybe I’m wrong here. But if you wrote actual funny things, I’d laugh. Idk. I’m probably wrong.
Oddly, though, you can’t just cut it out from shows that have it, especially if they actually film in front of a live audience, though even those with canned laughter are playing in the same sandbox. The pacing and the vibe gets completely thrown off because the writers and actors have to account for the laughs, and it becomes eerie without them. It’s a different style of making TV that’s seeking a different type of reaction from the TV audience, and has different limitations. Understanding that can let you enjoy the best examples of the form (admittedly almost all 20 years old or more). Stock characters slinging zingers and potentially doing pratfalls can be amusing (though the form has a direct lineage to radio shows so it tends to be light but verbal – the physicality is a huge part of what made I Love Lucy groundbreaking), but it doesn’t shine when trying to do cringe, nuance, dramedy, or densely packed humor.
This is not to say that you should watch The Big Bang Theory. You should not. It’s awful. The easy tropes and low cost of production (other than stars’ salaries if a show takes off) means that so much garbage has been done in this format, I daresay higher than single-camera “movie style” shows. It’s just that it’s not quite so simple as “write more funnier.”
IMO, it’s almost like telling a musical theater writing team that their play would be better if the characters weren’t constantly breaking into song. For the record, my instincts and tastes leave me sympathetic to that last point, so I just don’t watch many musicals, live or recorded. It’s not that they’re bad; the appeal is just lost on me. Same with multi-cam sitcoms with laugh-tracks.
I stopped watching TV when my favourite channel lost access to several shows and turned into a TBBT re-run channel. Four. Fucking. Episodes. Every day. The series looped about once every two months.
I gave up on television sometime around the end of Stargate SG-1, somewhere in the middle of Eureka!.
It was right around then that only the 24 hour news networks were what they said they were; there was no Sci-Fi on SyFy, no history on History, no music on MTV, no discovery on Discovery…adult prime time television was going to the humorless “gritty realism” phase, and the only topic anyone would smalltalk about was Game of Thrones.
To this day I watch basically nothing but Youtube.
My father got big into that show. Destroyed his ability to hold a conversation, because Every. Single. Fucking. Thing. You. Say. To. Him. "Reminds me of this thing that happened on Big Bang Theory where Sheldon…
He’s got a litany of shitty sitcoms he can’t just fucking stop with. “Character says something.” laugh track “Well other character says sumn else!” laugh track. “Maternal and/or love interest character walks across room, touches character’s arm, says something about feelings.” canned manufactured pindrop silence “Character says sumn else!” laugh track
Fuck your ventricles.
Took a hit directly on the neck yhe first time I tried it. Had a big sun shaped yellow and purple bruise on my neck for weeks.