Hi! I want to selfhost a minecraft server for my kid and hjs friends. I havent played minecraft in quite a few years …
Where do I start to self host one?
I am already seflhosting lost of stuff from 'Arrs to Jellyfin and Immich and more, so I am not asking on how to do it technically, but where to look for and what to host for a proper Minecraft server!
Edit: choosed to setup this https://github.com/itzg/docker-minecraft-bedrock-server and so far, super smooth and easy peasy!
Why is everyone suggesting random third party shit?
Straight from Mojang/Microsoft:
Bedrock: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/download/server/bedrock
Java: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/download/server
Follow the instructions and go.
Main reason for me is Realms limits the view distance to 16 rather than 32 on Java
I mean the common thing I see in this thread is just people recommending a docker container that hosts the server. Not really what I would call “3rd party bullshit” and I would absolutely recommend running a game server in a docker container. It makes a lot of things easier.
Because paper and others don’t run like garbage, unlike vanilla MC.
With the current Minecraft monthly updates, paper is always behind on the latest features. There are also minor problems that paper introduces with its performance improvements.
Years ago paper was critical for a good Minecraft experience, but a newer PC (newer than 6 years old) runs great on vanilla.
OK, I respect your opinion.
I’m coming from a place of administering a server and I attest to this:
I ran a server on a raspberry pi 3, paper was the only real option on that kind of hardware.
I run 7th gen Intel hardware for my server cluster. Minecraft VMs run totally fine.
I’ve had zero issues running vanilla in a basic VM.
Try paper or fabric, add Aikar’s Flags (https://docs.papermc.io/paper/aikars-flags) and marvel at the high ticks!
Cause the official stuff runs like shit
Maybe 5 years ago. Vanilla runs fine these days.
Not when compared to the third party servers. Not only do they run better but they give the option of using plugins or mods to further improve performance and enhance gameplay.
It has been a long time since I ran MC servers, you could do all of that with self hosting though. I still remember around 2011 running a server at school with a PC we found in a skip. Glorious 750MB of RAM! It ran alright though for a room full of people.
When I said 3rd party I meant non mojang jars, not hosting providors
Amazing scavenge! I’ve got a server for my partner and I, vanilla+. One mod we have pauses the entire server if nobody is online, it works fantastically and only RAM is held, minimal CPU usage. Vanilla server runs perfectly fine for my case.
Ressource hog.
3rd party solutions run more efficient.