In their defense, if there were ever someone that Christians needed to pray for (so that they change their ways) it’d be Donald “I’m a very stable genius” Trump. Somehow I doubt that was foremost on their minds. Probably more “may You bless us and give us great blessings as we spread Your word and see Your will be done [which happens to be whatever the hell we say it is, even if it directly contradicts the Bible].”
Christians following a man that lies, cheats, and steals. Interesting.
tbf it is literally in their holy book that they will worship the anti-christ. So is it really their fault?
In their defense, if there were ever someone that Christians needed to pray for (so that they change their ways) it’d be Donald “I’m a very stable genius” Trump. Somehow I doubt that was foremost on their minds. Probably more “may You bless us and give us great blessings as we spread Your word and see Your will be done [which happens to be whatever the hell we say it is, even if it directly contradicts the Bible].”