There are numerous ideological and philosophical frameworks that attempt to explain how fascism takes rise, so why do you just blame it on laziness?
Did Hitler come to power because of German industrialization, German embarrassment from WWI, the great depression, and other global economic hardships, or did Hitler come to power simply because Germans were lazy and didn’t vote?
Our turn towards fascism was inevitable, and it can be explained better than with some nebulous concept of “laziness”.
At the very minimum, start asking yourself why Americans are not enthusiastic about voting.
Lots of things can give rise to fascism, but when people stay at home they give it a free pass to take control. We had the easiest chance of hitting the brakes.
Voting is EASY.
All we had to do was vote. If trump doesn’t leave then it’s going to cost lives to change. Damn fool to think otherwise.
It is MADE to be difficult in some places purposefully. There are many ways it is done and nobody is talking about it. I don’t understand why it’s so unknown and such a ‘nonissue’
Yeah, did those places lose the election? You’re the second person to point out nebulously that it’s difficult to vote in some locarions (yeah, I’m aware), but without qualification that it was those places that cost us the election. Overall, people stayed home.
Voting May be easy where you are. But it’s literally made difficult in a lot of places. If you are new to Texas for example, getting registered to vote is a whole ordeal. It involves ancient websites to check your registration status and then if you find out you aren’t registered, you have to go to another website, fill out a bunch of information and then you have to print it out, sign it and then mail it in. And if you made any mistakes you won’t find out for 10-15 days as the mail has to get to them, they have to look it over and then they mail you a response to tell you there are errors. On top of all of that, they have a system where they pay people to report voter registration that are suspected to be fraudulent and those registrations generally get purged without notifying the voter. So if you were a false positive (many people are) and then you find out the day you go to vote that you aren’t registered, you just don’t get to vote that year.
There are numerous ideological and philosophical frameworks that attempt to explain how fascism takes rise, so why do you just blame it on laziness?
Did Hitler come to power because of German industrialization, German embarrassment from WWI, the great depression, and other global economic hardships, or did Hitler come to power simply because Germans were lazy and didn’t vote?
Our turn towards fascism was inevitable, and it can be explained better than with some nebulous concept of “laziness”.
At the very minimum, start asking yourself why Americans are not enthusiastic about voting.
Because laziness gave it the win.
Lots of things can give rise to fascism, but when people stay at home they give it a free pass to take control. We had the easiest chance of hitting the brakes.
Voting is EASY.
All we had to do was vote. If trump doesn’t leave then it’s going to cost lives to change. Damn fool to think otherwise.
It is MADE to be difficult in some places purposefully. There are many ways it is done and nobody is talking about it. I don’t understand why it’s so unknown and such a ‘nonissue’
Yeah, did those places lose the election? You’re the second person to point out nebulously that it’s difficult to vote in some locarions (yeah, I’m aware), but without qualification that it was those places that cost us the election. Overall, people stayed home.
Voting May be easy where you are. But it’s literally made difficult in a lot of places. If you are new to Texas for example, getting registered to vote is a whole ordeal. It involves ancient websites to check your registration status and then if you find out you aren’t registered, you have to go to another website, fill out a bunch of information and then you have to print it out, sign it and then mail it in. And if you made any mistakes you won’t find out for 10-15 days as the mail has to get to them, they have to look it over and then they mail you a response to tell you there are errors. On top of all of that, they have a system where they pay people to report voter registration that are suspected to be fraudulent and those registrations generally get purged without notifying the voter. So if you were a false positive (many people are) and then you find out the day you go to vote that you aren’t registered, you just don’t get to vote that year.
Harder than fascism?
Yeah, I know they go out of their way to make it hard in democratic and minority strongholds. But that’s not everyone.
Doesn’t that moreso snooze fascism instead of stopping it?
We’ll never know for sure in this case. It’s still a 4 year reprieve, and trump could have died in those four years.
Why were people lazy?