Review with Forrest McNeil, it’s based off an Aussie show of the same name that I keep meaning to check out; starts off slow but builds to get pretty wild. I really enjoyed it.
The American version (which I assume you are referencing) is just called Review, the Australian version is called Review with Myles Barlow. Fun fact, the final “caller” in the series finale of the American version is Myles Barlow.
Review with Forrest McNeil, it’s based off an Aussie show of the same name that I keep meaning to check out; starts off slow but builds to get pretty wild. I really enjoyed it.
The American version (which I assume you are referencing) is just called Review, the Australian version is called Review with Myles Barlow. Fun fact, the final “caller” in the series finale of the American version is Myles Barlow.
You’re right, been awhile since I watched it. Going to take this as my sign to finally watch the Aus version!
And then, from somewhere deep and previously unknown, there sprang a reserve of fortitude and courage.
Or was it resignation?
Or fatalism?
Or nihilism?
Or perhaps I simply understood, from the darkest corner of my soul, that these pancakes couldn’t kill me because I was already dead…
Folks, I have no more desire to get through the rest of my life than I did to eat those pancakes.
But I ate them.
And the knowledge that I can keep going when all seems lost… that’s a great thing to acquire.
Eating thirty pancakes, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐