I’m sorry for your loss. They murdered your mother for profit and it enrages me. I’ve personally suffered at the bloody hands of the insurance companies as well. The insurance companies fill me with a cold deep rage. I hope all their leaders know fear before they come to their end.
I have kids as well. I’m no longer religious but I believe in Saint Luigi and pray that others are inspired by his noble actions. Truly.
If you’re willing, please share the name of the insurance company and the CEO that murdered your mother for money.
The real villains are vanguard, black rock and the politicians that keep selling out the people. Things are about to get much worse with the cutting an privitazation ( this means it will be moved to a corrupt dysfunctional shareholder profit model) for medicade, Medicare, veterans healthcare and social security. The social contract is broken and the wealthy have waged war on the people. I was hoping that those doing this would have a wake up moment due to Luigi and ease up but instead the suppression has only increased. I don’t know how to fix this but the attack on the working class is “legal” and any resistance or hope is “illegal” or prohibitively expensive and easily stamped out. I get why people don’t want to bring children into the meat grinder that America has become.
Hyper focusing on Blackrock makes you sound like a conspiracy theorist - there are many groups like it, you have to expose the whole not be obsessed with the one or again it just looks crazy. IMO.
I named multiple sources for our troubles. The biggest firms extracting wealth seemed like good easily verifiable examples. Agree to disagree with your opinion
I’m sorry for your loss. They murdered your mother for profit and it enrages me. I’ve personally suffered at the bloody hands of the insurance companies as well. The insurance companies fill me with a cold deep rage. I hope all their leaders know fear before they come to their end.
I have kids as well. I’m no longer religious but I believe in Saint Luigi and pray that others are inspired by his noble actions. Truly.
If you’re willing, please share the name of the insurance company and the CEO that murdered your mother for money.
The real villains are vanguard, black rock and the politicians that keep selling out the people. Things are about to get much worse with the cutting an privitazation ( this means it will be moved to a corrupt dysfunctional shareholder profit model) for medicade, Medicare, veterans healthcare and social security. The social contract is broken and the wealthy have waged war on the people. I was hoping that those doing this would have a wake up moment due to Luigi and ease up but instead the suppression has only increased. I don’t know how to fix this but the attack on the working class is “legal” and any resistance or hope is “illegal” or prohibitively expensive and easily stamped out. I get why people don’t want to bring children into the meat grinder that America has become.
Hyper focusing on Blackrock makes you sound like a conspiracy theorist - there are many groups like it, you have to expose the whole not be obsessed with the one or again it just looks crazy. IMO.
I named multiple sources for our troubles. The biggest firms extracting wealth seemed like good easily verifiable examples. Agree to disagree with your opinion
Black Rock, Vanguard and State Street own 74% of the US Economy. Not a crazy conspiracy an easily verifiable fact https://money.usnews.com/investing/articles/these-3-fund-families-control-74-of-the-market