First time we had to worry about microscopic black holes. Now interdimensional biological organisms which somehow can survive in our nitrogen based atmosphere and climate temperature envelope.
not to say that they have a taste for human flesh.
It’s hard to tell. I hope somebody has left a trail of single notebook pages, diary pages and dictaphones scattered in various drawers and cupboards nearby.
I just hope they have been recording their experiment log the right way, across multiple unconnected computers.
Just scientist things
Static pictures do transmit sound. Inside your head. You know the sound of a crowbar hitting the pipe
Are they breeding face huggers?
That’s a headcrab. They latch onto the skull and consume the brain, latching into the brainstem to wrest control of the body and improve locomotion, ensuring their next meal is even easier.
Took me a second but finally got it.
Mr Freeman, we meet again.
What? You got what?
Pick up that can
It’s a Half-Life joke. The video game.
They’re waiting for you, @[email protected]
Ayee i have been there. Thats the conference center in the background :D
crossposted to [email protected]
A cause for conCERN
Considering the current state of the world, this could be a good thing. Let them cook
Sure, a resonance cascade. That might as well happen.
Gordon doesn’t need to hear all that, hes a highly trained professional.
some of us are neoposadists, and really hoping for it.