Dude, more. 200% more as my wife and I sit her and suffer tonight. She’s getting it dealt with next month, mine rotting out while I wait to even get a luxury bone appointment.
Depends. I had 4 at 90°. Only one hurt a little. They caused pockets, which are hard to clean (impossible by yourself) and can accelerate bone loss. I removed 3 of them. 2 by a jaw surgeon. They were creating a space bewteen molars deeper inside the bone, while also creating an opening at the top. Nasty.
Chronic inflamation of the gums don’t hurt either. Best way to tell is by a mouth hygiënist. If your gums bleed easily while flossing, it’s a good idea to keep flossing. Takes about 1-2 weeks before the gums calm down and the swelling dissipates. I use those tiny round brushes to get in between. If you start using those, m start with the thinnest wire. The metal should absolutely not scrape against the teeth, only the brush.
Born without wisdom teeth…
Not sure if that makes me more evolved or less lol
Dude, more. 200% more as my wife and I sit her and suffer tonight. She’s getting it dealt with next month, mine rotting out while I wait to even get a luxury bone appointment.
You are the clear evolutionary winner.
I went to the dentist and he was looking at me all surprised and he said, you’re jaw is so primitive, all your wisdom came through without issues.
A few years later I had to have an emergency removal because they decayed too much as I didn’t brush that far back
I only had them on the right side. Not shure what this means evolutionary…
Better than the wrong side I guess 🤷
Mine’s are pointing 90° on the wrong direction.
They are dormant but I’ve warned that if they decide to start being funny I’ll be fucked. :D
Depends. I had 4 at 90°. Only one hurt a little. They caused pockets, which are hard to clean (impossible by yourself) and can accelerate bone loss. I removed 3 of them. 2 by a jaw surgeon. They were creating a space bewteen molars deeper inside the bone, while also creating an opening at the top. Nasty.
Chronic inflamation of the gums don’t hurt either. Best way to tell is by a mouth hygiënist. If your gums bleed easily while flossing, it’s a good idea to keep flossing. Takes about 1-2 weeks before the gums calm down and the swelling dissipates. I use those tiny round brushes to get in between. If you start using those, m start with the thinnest wire. The metal should absolutely not scrape against the teeth, only the brush.
Taken years to form that habit…
mine grew in sideways too. I have had them all removed now, but my teeth are forever fucked because of them.