Paying off their loans for fix the cost of education crisis. It kicks it down the road for our children to fix. With added costs since we’ve set a precedent that it will be forgiven. Advocating for student debt forgiveness is advocating for throwing fuel on the fire.
Any payoff without a meaningful plan to fix the root cause is robbery of the middle and lower class by upper middle class and upper class children with a predisposition to high income.
The PPP loans should not have happened and should be prosecuted. You can’t be mad the bank robber made more money than you, you should catch the bank robber instead.
People who have a large amount of debt from school are much, much more likely to have higher paying jobs. Someone with a Masters in Comp Sci doesn’t need a handout paid for by the lower and middle class.
The idea is it would be forgiven and then education would be free or highly subsidized. It’s middle class and lower class that are hardest hit by these loans as it is. Upper class children either don’t need the loans or take our less. Yes, it’s frustrating to be customer 99 instead of 100, but, I mean, grow up. Education is planting seeds in a garden we’ll likely not live to see, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t till the soil just so the next generation has it as difficult as we did. Taxes are going up as it is, I would rather it at least be going towards something meaningful for a change. Free education. Free health care. I’m already paying for it. You’re already paying for it. I want what we paid for.
If we subsidize it or pay for it with a fund generated from the people who profited from the predatory loans that would be fine. Why does average Americans need to pay for White upper middle class kids to get ahead?
Paying off their loans for fix the cost of education crisis. It kicks it down the road for our children to fix. With added costs since we’ve set a precedent that it will be forgiven. Advocating for student debt forgiveness is advocating for throwing fuel on the fire.
Any payoff without a meaningful plan to fix the root cause is robbery of the middle and lower class by upper middle class and upper class children with a predisposition to high income.
PPP loan forgiveness already happened, so why should they be the only ones?
The PPP loans should not have happened and should be prosecuted. You can’t be mad the bank robber made more money than you, you should catch the bank robber instead.
How does forgiving debt help rich people? They aren’t the ones burdened by it.
People who have a large amount of debt from school are much, much more likely to have higher paying jobs. Someone with a Masters in Comp Sci doesn’t need a handout paid for by the lower and middle class.
The idea is it would be forgiven and then education would be free or highly subsidized. It’s middle class and lower class that are hardest hit by these loans as it is. Upper class children either don’t need the loans or take our less. Yes, it’s frustrating to be customer 99 instead of 100, but, I mean, grow up. Education is planting seeds in a garden we’ll likely not live to see, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t till the soil just so the next generation has it as difficult as we did. Taxes are going up as it is, I would rather it at least be going towards something meaningful for a change. Free education. Free health care. I’m already paying for it. You’re already paying for it. I want what we paid for.
If we subsidize it or pay for it with a fund generated from the people who profited from the predatory loans that would be fine. Why does average Americans need to pay for White upper middle class kids to get ahead?
God bless you and your ability to give such a gracious answer.