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No! You’re not allowed to have any new boyfriends either!!
Lmfao what a fat fucking turd of a country, go fuck yourself America, forever.
Enjoy being leader of the world of 1 country. See how far that gets you.
America has 1/10th the natural resource per capita as Canada, and most of Canada’s mineral deposits are still unexplored. You want a trade war, you can have one you dumb fucks.
America IS a country of putresecent fatfuck ignorant rednecks.
I mean you don’t have to go very far to prove that. As I look outside my window I see one.
Nice to see Canada poutine him in his place.
Trump: Stop trying to benefit from my stupidity and ineptitude!
Meaning Canada and the EU are onto to someting 😈
Hey canada, wanna do it even harder now? - best love, europe
Aye, good fellow, thou speak’st with the wisdom of the ancients! Let it be known across the land that Europe and Canada, bound by blood, wit, and old-world cunning, shall stand as one against the brash and boisterous Yanks!
Let them boast of their might and prattle of their triumphs, yet we shall meet them with a union most steadfast, a league of wisdom and steel, tempered in the fires of history. With Europe’s age-old craft and Canada’s hardy spirit, we shall make merry sport of them, and with jest and jesting, lay them low in fair contest!
So raise thy flag, grasp thy quill or sword, and let us set forth, for victory shall be ours, and the Yanks shall rue the day they thought to best the Old World and its northern kin! What say’st thou?
I say: Lets bring the rebelling colonies back in line! No matter how bleak the days may seem. As long as the free world stands together, a fortress of true democracy, true freedom, we shall prevale.
Rise now we shall, work today for a golden future tomorrow! That those that come after us will say “see these mighty people, ordinary men, woman and others. Standing ground, standing firm in the face of opression. Not bending to get comfort, but withstanding hardship and let the rotten corps of their enemy decay by itself!”
An age as golden as canadas Maple syrup, as golden as french cheese, as golden as german beer, as golden as italian instruments, as golden as polish roofs, as golden as the scandinavian hair, as golden as iberian drylands! A golden future awaits us once we gotten rid of the bold eagles chains!
Yet it somehow doesn’t strike him as off at all that long standing allies suddenly feel a need to band against us. It’s a mystery I say, maybe they just woke up and had a bad morning…
We woke up from a one night stand with the US and have sobered up.
Hey now!.. aww, who am I kidding. You’re right.
On the off chance any trump supporters are reading this. We are, hopefully, banding closer together because your leaders are alienating you from us. We never wanted this trade war and we never asked to have our sovereignty threatened.
It’s not against you. It’s for us. You’re stepping away from your allies, so we have to be closer.
They might have some things to say about that if they could read
“… in order to protect the best friend that each of those two countries has ever had”. So Europe is a country now 😏?
Trump is the biggest baby on the planet
Prove me wrong
“I keep making the tariffs worse, and when you agreed to do what I wanted for border security, I made the tariffs worse, and if you don’t do what I want, I’ll make the tariffs worse, and if you start working together to negate how bad the tariffs are, I’ll make the tariffs worse!”
If this only moves in one direction regardless of what anyone does, prepare for the entire world to just act like you do not exist at all.
At some point these countries just need to stop buying American. What’s he going to do? Go to war with them? I mean… Elon already sued advertisers for boycotting his Twitter…
Reminds me of that scene from the emperor’s new groove
“Tell us where they are and I’ll burn your house down!”
“Don’t you mean or?”
I just assume tariffs will hit 9000% eventually.
That is… if Trump and his fuckers realize taxes and percentages can exceed 100%.It is already a lost cause.
this goes well with yesterdays devils panties.
The trump regime was designed to TANK the US economy so that stocks, businesses, and industries can be bought by billionaires at rock bottom prices.
All is going according to plan.
Do it now the Orange Turd is coming for you.
Ok, I’m just an armchair conspiracy theorist, but it just dawned on me that is all possibly still part of Russia’s take over the world plan.
If Russia wants to take Europe, he needs the US.
How would you get at least the dumbest citizens to turn against Europe? By making European goods prohibitively expensive, tanking the economy, and blaming it on Europe. Then, he’ll continue to double down, and force us into a full wartime economy by re-activating the draft, and pulling Gen-zers and younger millennials into it. Saying the whole time “Canada and Europe left us no choice.”
Would that work? It worked for Germany. Our economy isn’t nearly shitty enough yet, but through this process he might be able to do it. If y’all think it’s getting bad, it’s gonna get even worse very quickly.
Is the fight you picked not going as well as you had hoped, Donald?