Donald Trump faced backlash after admitting he was unaware of four U.S. soldiers missing in Lithuania during a training exercise, despite ongoing search efforts.
Social media users and critics expressed outrage, questioning his leadership and knowledge of his administration’s actions.
Critics also linked Trump’s lack of awareness to the recent “Signalgate” security breach involving a leaked group chat about a U.S. bombing in Yemen.
he’s not even the president why would they brief him
No one told him because there was no point. They know he doesn’t give a shit. He’s said as much before. It would have been a waste of time and energy to tell him. And he’s the kind of guy that would have fired them for wasting his time.
Literally a net negative for everyone to bother letting the current President of the United States know what is going on.
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He was probably given a report, but since it didn’t have enough color pictures he just ignored it. Of course that shitstick thinks he’s forever blameless so it’s obviously anyone else’s fault.
If it had some pictures to color out, alongside with pens, it would add a nice touch to those boring briefings. Maybe add a lolly too!
And a little racecar!
He was probably taking pictures of his balls during the briefing. He has incredible balls, some says they’re the most wonderful balls. Biden doesn’t have great balls. Sad.
I cannot express how much I hate that that string of words entered my brain.
Well they stopped giving him color pictures since the last time he just took a photo and tweeted it to show the world how bigly smart he is.
Not even the guy with his hand up Trump’s ass knew? Wow!
He only likes soldiers who DON’T go missing.
They wanted to wait a bit before the lying began.
Their lying has no refractory period.
Why would he be? Elon was.
“Listen, I’m just here so I could avoid getting arrested and so I can unleash my vengeance against those that would dare to hold me accountable to my actions. Whatever else happens, I don’t give a fuck. Money and no accountability, that’s what I want.”
Defectors? Would they even admit it if it was?
Man, this Trump guy is really bad at this whole president thing.
Too bad people didn’t know about this before the election. Like as if he already had a stint as maybe a governor or some other high position where you need lots of awareness of the goings on. Like if he had been president already, there’s no way this guy would have gotten a second term you know?
Yeah, so even if he was elected once, after people said he’d never win, there’s no reason more people would need to vote the second time either!
Bitch Tits in Chief doesn’t want to hear any bad news. Remind you of anyone?
He probably is gonna impose some tariffs on Lithuania.
I expect nothing less from this ignoramus.