I made this post because I really like the design of GNOME, and although i’d like customizability, it is mostly enough for my everyday needs. But I want to understand why people may choose other desktop environments…or why you would/would’nt use GNOME.

  • Spectacle8011@lemmy.comfysnug.space
    1 year ago

    What I like:

    • I like GNOME 40 more than GNOME 3 because it’s prettier.
    • I like GNOME in general because it’s stable with pretty, high quality bundled programs.
    • I like the UX. It takes all the good things about the macOS UX and makes them better, while taking all the bad things and making them less stupid.
    • I like that they completely separate the dock from normal window management, so I never hit it when my cursor reaches the edge of the screen.
    • I like that you can set Nautilus to use one-click to open folders, even though that is cribbed from Dolphin. (Even if I use lf most of the time)
    • I like the simple IBus integration that lets me setup my Japanese IME easily.

    What I dislike:

    • I dislike that I need a system tray extension for some software.
    • I dislike how in-your-face the notifications are and that they can’t be stacked.
    • I dislike that I need to use Dconf to set shortcuts for workspaces 5-10.
    • I dislike needing GNOME Tweaks to set autostart software/daemons—this is a basic feature, not a “tweak”.
    • I dislike not having an easy way to port my settings for GNOME to a new computer. It’s annoying to have to set all this stuff up again compared to Sway, where I clone a repository and copy some config files over.
    • eneff@discuss.tchncs.de
      1 year ago

      export settings on old pc:

      dconf dump / > dconf-settings.dump

      import on new pc:

      cat dconf-settings.dump | dconf load /