Correct, and there were ways in place that was supposed to allow sonarr to understand absolute numbering, similar to another agent plugin I use for Plex that gives it that understanding. The file formatting for sonarr can even include {absolute} for this use case. I was numbering these files, hoping to rename them with episode titles plus the {absolute} as well as S{season00}E{episode00} (can’t recall the exact code), but anyway… Despite everyone in this thread calling me an idiot, I know I made no error other than not backing up first.
Is it One Piece episode #207 or something? Otherwise, in the realm of pirated TV, “207” literally is season 2 episode 7. Always has been.
Correct, and there were ways in place that was supposed to allow sonarr to understand absolute numbering, similar to another agent plugin I use for Plex that gives it that understanding. The file formatting for sonarr can even include {absolute} for this use case. I was numbering these files, hoping to rename them with episode titles plus the {absolute} as well as S{season00}E{episode00} (can’t recall the exact code), but anyway… Despite everyone in this thread calling me an idiot, I know I made no error other than not backing up first.