In that event, fascist cops just deputize any and all white supremicist civilians they can and give them carte blanche to commit violence.
In that event, fascist cops just deputize any and all white supremicist civilians they can and give them carte blanche to commit violence.
Re-title this article as “Lazy, Tired Workers Are Mad At Youthful Workers Like Lazy, Tired Workers 60 Years Ago Were Mad At Them 60 Years Ago”.
Sure am glad all the car companies decided to use the Tesla charger as the standard. /s
Don’t forget he almost ran it into the ground twice.
Let the arrests for thought crimes begin.
Spend some of that hard-earned money on guns and ammo to defend yourselves.
Musk has to go.
He ain’t talking only of financial pain. He’s talking of causing physical pain to his enemies. Take everything he says as warning.
Just like he plans.
The beauty about Elon setting up servers is that all that info will probably end up on the dark web for purchase so everyone can see it for themselves.
Hooray, the US let a foreign-born national walk right in and destroy the country from inside, while deporting foreign-born people there who just want a better life.
This is all on purpose to tank the American economy and put the country in such chaos that Trump can call an emergency, suspend the constitution indefinitely and the GOP can stay in power. All the while there will be a mass redistribution of wealth so great to the already rich that everyone else will be destitute.
Is that the reply you meant to write? Why don’t you try again, but think first.
Snowden goes to Russia and there’s no way Putin is letting him stay there without demanding that information.
If the shoe is on the other foot, the US would do the exact same. They brought Nazi rocket scientists over after WW2 and had them continue their work rether than putting them in jail to rot.
Yeah, I thought the same thing too at the time and that’s why I wrote it off. But the problem is that knowing how Putin is and what he does, what makes you think that he would let Snowden stay there in Russia without demanding any of that information as payment?
And if Snowden was so hard up for places to go that he had to go to Russia to escape extradition to the US what position would he be in to even say no if Russia demanded it?
Think about it. If someone came to the US to escape persecution in Russia for whistleblowing, you can damn well believe the US gov’t would demand info. They brought all those Nazi rocket scientists over to work rather than sending them to prison because of the knowledge they posssesed. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
Shut the fuck up, Snowden.You had everyone behind you until you defected to Russia. There’s no free lunch and you had a lot of info Putin would like to have. Oddly enough things really started getting bad shortly therafter.
Elon Musk has to go.
Elon Musk has to go.
Elon Musk has to go
Musk needs to go
Go on the fucking attack. Call out every Republican bullshit comment and flat out call them liars and embarass them in front of anyone they can.
Follow it up with lobbing accusations of their on non-stop
Exactly why (if you can) you should be buying weapons to protect yourself and your loved ones. Protect is the key word.