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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I think I know how your dad feels. Growing up in West Coast US I didn’t understand why central Americans had such animosity towards being compared or mistaken as Mexican. Then I moved to the south. To my co workers every brown person was Mexican. “hey go ask your little amigo xy or z” was common. “what little amigo?” " The Mexican who’s got the keys to the gate" “I don’t know that guy. Also, he’s Guatemalan. See that flag hanging from his car? It’s a Guatemalan flag” I didn’t piss me off, but it made me feel a way I haven’t felt before and it’s not positive. I now get triggered when people just assume I’m Mexican. It says a lot about them and it’s not good.

  • It’s different for everyone. For me, I don’t like it when strangers ask so I don’t ask when I’m the one who is curious. If it’s friends or someone getting to know me, it doesn’t matter how it’s asked. I do not mind. If I’m handing you a beer and say " that’ll be x dollars." And you respond by asking where I’m from, it bothers me. It’s the difference between getting to know someone and trying to fit them in a box. I get that sometimes people are curious but not every curiosity has to be satisfied. When I tell them that I’m from US it’s common to be followed by “fine! Where are your parents from?” That’s just weird. I’d never approach a stranger and ask about their parents.

  • The civil rights museum in Memphis,TN is amazing. What made it impactful to me is very much that. Seeing the buses, diners, the hotel, all modern things made me realize these things basically just happened. Black Americans have had a long arduous road to just exist in the country they were forced to come to. And they’re always being gaslit, told it happened long ago, didn’t happen, it wasn’t that bad etc.

  • Switching costs money. From what he said money might be tight. I buy and sell my own vehicles. It is a job. Most prefer to give up a few grand to not have to do it (you never get paid full market value on a trade in). Even if someone decided to do it themselves they run the risk of losing big time if they’re inexperienced. Even though I’ve been doing it for years even I lose on some of these. When I lose, it’s usually close to the cost of the vehicle. I can afford that and in the end I average out really well.But the majority of people can’t do that. I get all the hate new big trucks get and I agree. As someone who works in construction I wish station wagons would make a come back. But it’s really easy to say “just do x y or z” it’s not so easy to do.