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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2024


  • I stopped going to McDonalds around 2004 after seeing Super-Size Me (which didn’t really convince me of anything other than what I already knew; Fast food in general is gross).

    A few years later, I was hanging out with some friends and someone wanted a drink or something, so we walked in, and the smell was overwhelming, and disgusting. It wasn’t different, it was the exact same McDonalds smell, it was just gross as fuck.

    About a decade after that, I was dating someone who wanted some of their fries (they were having a bad day and wanted comfort food). So I drive over there, just order the fries (everything else she wanted was already at home), and head home. The entire time, my car was filling with this gross, oily, I-don’t-know-what smell of those fries. It occurs to me that I could only define it as “smelling like McDonalds”.

    Mind you, I’ve gotten fries at Wendy’s, Jack in the Box, Arby’s, etc. None of them smell gross. They smell like salty potatoes (except any place that has curly fries; they all seem to be from the same supplier, and they’re gross).

    I haven’t been back to McDonalds in probably another 10 years, but I can only imagine that my first reaction would be to wretch, and my second reaction would be to leave. I have no idea how they fucked things up so bad, I had them all the time as a kid. I still eat Wendy’s spicy chicken sandwiches, they’re fine. wtf.

  • I agree that using browser-based password managers is not a good idea, but everything else you said was willfully ignorant.

    • OneNote isn’t that special, and you don’t need Windows to use it.
    • There are half a dozen excel competitors that are feature complete (OpenOffice, LibreOffice, GSuite, Zoho, Gnumeric…)
    • All shells use the same standard tools, excepting a few bulit-ins (because most tools are external to the shell). Some shells have different syntax, but most of them share most syntax. In 90% of cases, the default shell is bash, or an offshoot (dash, etc), which are all descendants of sh, so unless you’re using an extended feature set, scripts are cross-compatible.

  • Fuck that.

    I never wanted to pay a dime of it, because even as a teen with a shitty starter job I was paying into a system I knew was going to go broke before I got to draw anything from it. Now I work two jobs just to contribute to my retirement so that maybe I’ll get a few good years at the end, and bow they want to make sure that no matter how much I make, I have to keep paying? Get fucked (the system, not you in particular).

    How about we set a floor, below which you don’t need to pay for social security. I don’t know what number makes sense, lets just call it $500k/yr. Then all the rich assholes who don’t need it can pay for the people they’re fucking over.

    While we’re at it, take social security out of dividend payouts and stock sales above some yearly threshold too, take some back from the dicks who don’t actually have “income” because they get paid in stock.

  • I’m not sure what the dishonest motivations would be; I don’t really have a problem with content generators, other than;

    • They’re trained on data that trainers don’t have rights to
    • They are awful, inaccurate, hallucinating garbage

    To the first point; If they (OpenAI, Adobe, Disney, et al) hired a bunch of people, paid them a fair wage to generate art (text, images, whatever), got permission (contractual, with residuals), trained a model, then used it responsibility (for concepts and drafts), then sure; have your models and use 'em.

    To the second point; I mentioned that the models aren’t good, and it’s because they aren’t actually creating anything, just mashing old content together. I also mentioned before that the models need to be used responsibly; You can’t just hit “generate” and ship it as final product. You need editors and artists to follow up on the model output. The model should be used to make tedius work easier, not replace talented artists.