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Cake day: August 27th, 2024


  • @yogthos It’s not too late to choose another option. The people of the world need to unite against governments that aren’t there to support the citizens. Our respective governments do a pretty good job of dividing us, both within our own countries and across borders. Unfortunately many people can’t see this reality. It is only when the majority of us see how our governments manipulate us for their own power that it is possible to start taking that power back for the good of the people.

  • @yogthos You know it’s a shame. We’re probably both regular people that our respective governments don’t really care about. In the West I am able to be critical of my government when I see them only acting in their own self-interest. You however don’t have that luxury. Your only options are to stay silent, say something critical of your government (which is risky to you), or shill for your government. With those choices in mind I don’t know why you chose the last option.