It would be absolutely hilarious if the workers took this opportunity to unionize and negotiate getting their jobs back with higher pay and better benefits.
It would be absolutely hilarious if the workers took this opportunity to unionize and negotiate getting their jobs back with higher pay and better benefits.
The Presidents of the PTA.
White Bread
Queen Gizzard and the Grand Wizards
They Might Be Giant Nazis
DEI Stationwagon
Lynch Mob
Being called disingenuous by you is hilarious.
She didn’t try to stop it
I thought maybe you were misinformed before, but now I know you are just lying. We just agreed she was working for peace. That is trying to stop it.
Then you are completely ignorant to the political situation in Israel. Holding power is the one thing stopping Netanyahu from going to prison. He won’t step down under any circumstances.
I wonder what would happen if you removed the gland? How long could they live and how big could they get?
Bill Burr for dogcatcher.
Can you say that you aren’t skipping over factors I’ve presented to come to your conclusion?
They are irrelevant. You don’t try to stop something you support.
it doesn’t seem like war is required to give the US that kind of sway over the state of Israel.
Do you expect that Netanyahu would step down from power if we asked?
I wish I had enough commitment to a bit to post a picture of my hog slapped on top of a copy of today’s newspaper.
Ever see an old abandoned gas station lot sit unoccupied for years and years and wonder why nobody buys it? These tanks are why. To build something new on the land, you have to remove the tanks and clean up any spills. It usually costs more than the land is worth.
Walgreens found an “interesting” way of using these properties. They get a 99 year lease, which means they can just pave over the land and leave all the contamination right where it is. The land owner will still be responsible for cleaning up the mess in 99 years, but they’ll be dead so they don’t care. Who cares if the people living nearby have unusually high incidence of cancer, right?
fiat currency which is literally just paper we are being convinced is valuable
Only idiots who don’t understand fiat currency think this. The paper is a medium of exchange. It allows determining things like how many chickens are an even trade for a cell phone.
If the golbal reserve currency of the world is no longer backed by gold then what incentive do the economies of any other countries have to back their currencies with gold which would just allow citizens and foreign nations to pilfer their supply with no resistance from the aristocracy.
So you recognize that gold based economies are inferior and can’t survive alongside a better alternative. Thanks for proving my point.
Bitcoin is not backed by nothing
So show me a picture of a bitcoin. What element or elements comprise a bitcoin?
The increase in US national debt since 1971- $400 billion to 36.2 trillion
The highest tax bracket in the 1970s was 70%. Now it is 37%. The debt has nothing to do with gold and everything to do with taxes being too low to sustain our spending. The rich do everything they can to not pay their fair share.
I’m just not relying on it as the singularly decisive factor in determining her contribution to the conflict
Working for peace is the exact opposite of contributing to the conflict.
How did we dismantle the nazi state in a way that didn’t qualify as genocide?
Killing 4.4 to 5.3 million Nazis was part of that achievement. It was not achieved peacefully. Thankfully “Nazi” isn’t an ethnicity, but Israeli Jews are and ethnic group.
To repeat a question, is that acceptable even when it includes standing by genocide?
Except she was working for peace to end the genocide. You keep skipping over that reality as if it were meaningless.
I’m in favor of dismantling all theocratic colonialist states. I’m opposed all genocide of any people, especially when that is based on religion or bigotry. To be clear, the state is not the people it supposes to represent.
How do you realistically propose to dismantle Israel in a way which wouldn’t qualify as genocide?
Oh sure. The water contamination itself is horrific, but it doesn’t stick in people’s mind as well as random buildings exploding.
Gas stations keep their gasoline in underground storage tanks. Sometimes those tanks leak. The spilled fuel will spread on top of the water table. What happened before the EPA regulations is this gas would seep into basements and crawl spaces. The fumes would build up until something like the pilot light of a furnace was enough to ignite them. Then boom, the building would explode.
That’s the trick though. Contempt of court isn’t the same as breaking a law and doesn’t have the same restrictions. For example, a person can be held in jail for contempt indefinitely without trial until the person yields to the demand of the judge. This sometimes happens to people who refuse to pay child support that the courts know they can afford.
The reason no country currently backs their currency to gold is primarily because central banks control all the currencies
You are making the same logical mistake again. Every central bank on the planet is not in on a global conspiracy to control they economy. That is insane. If the gold standard worked better, someone would still be using it. It is simply inferior.
You can still trade currency for gold
I’m the same way you can trade currency for Beanie Babies and Elvis commemorative plates.
the us dollar either needs to be deflated intentionally
Deflation is catastrophic to the economy and causes a downward spiral. People don’t spend because their money is worth less, so businesses close which increases unemployment which makes people unable to spend, further weakening the economy.
developing a new blockchain based stable coin or just adopting bitcoin
You hate cash because it’s not backed by anything but you want Bitcoin? WTF.
Cryptocurrency exists for one reason - to make exchanges of money more difficult, if not impossible to trace. That is the exact opposite of what the government needs to function.
compare that to the 8400% increase in the value of gold since we ended the gold standard and it speaks for itself.
About half of the gold ever mined by humanity has been extracted since 1970. At the same time demand was decreasing since governments were no longer hoarding it. In what reality would a commodity increase in price under those conditions? The value of gold is FAKE.
Is that a good thing?
It just is. It’s an unspoken restriction of her job. Nobody gets elevated to that position unless they unequivocally back their boss.
The war will not stop as long as both exist.
So you’re in favor of genocide, but just mad at which side is losing.
It will be really interesting for the supreme court to decide if a president can be held in contempt of court.
Doesn’t matter. He did nothing worth punishing in any regard.