But beanz meanz Heinz…
But beanz meanz Heinz…
Surely a thin coating of Vaseline would help make it further down the pipe … :D
You could also padding out the screwdriver tip or the screw hole. I’ve used sticky tape before, but again if its tight your pretty much out of luck…
Depending how tight it is you could superglue something to it to turn it ?
I used to watch Acronis 10 (or 11.5 or 11.7) backups go to 110% (or it might have been 101%) been a long time since I used it
Buy some short and some long… Really mess with them !
I suspect it completes almost instantly if you agree to it tho ?
The other issue is they are standing there and not stopping the bad cop…
Web hosting is free, but the extras are non-optional and cost money LOL
Very strange, but looks prebent
You look twice as kids and old people aren’t very good judges of speed. Look twice to make sure u’ve not misjudged the speed of the car/bike/trunk/plane/scooter
Tyrian 2000
Unmounting CIFS , 1:30 timeout ! I just wannatgo to bed…