Why create the “yeah but” space?. If someone points out that there is a problem with gun violence in America the response should be “yeah, that’s not good, we should try and figure out some sort of solution” not “yeah but we donate the most in foreign aid”.
I’m sincerely not taking the piss. I feel like creating that sort of space is dangerous not only because it avoids accountability but also because it feels nice and its easy to do.
But nothing you said is wrong, I don’t think ill of you, not trying to catch you out, I agree with what you are saying. Was just trying to help you follow the thought you were on to see where it would get you.
Any reason you can think of why that might be the case?
Tangential… Do you ever think it’s kind of bizzare that we have instances of a fictional character having infamous lines or quotes but in actuality a different human wrote it who and will often not recieve any credit. Not at all a criticism, just an odd thought. Sorry for the diversion.
Same feeling I’ve been having.
Had a read, would toss it in the “boats at night” pile. There was a geneal misread of the intended vibe of one another. Everyone came in with their genuine hats but left with something off-brand.
The original post is more of a commentary on the fact that old trucks have value just in being old trucks. Beyond the vintage stuff that all vehicles have there are certain trucks that are reliable easy to fix, easy to get parts for and not 4 wheeled tanks; valuable to someone who actually uses a truck as a daily worker. It’s a thing that is mostly unique to trucks because of their value as a work vehicle. (Sprinter type vans also have a similar type thing now because of the vanlife™ community)
So, if your in the know the comment reads a lot like a conversation about those 40yo washing machines that never die that people talk about. Like, no one is saying a 40yo washer is better but also why are they better? Kinda thing
Your comment seems genuine but feels like you misread that whole meta conversation that was happening. Then instead of them looping you in and saying, “Yo, I’m only being half serious” they instead came with “old trucks hold their value way more then you think, also stop being so serious” which is a little unclear vibe-wise.
So there’s a bit of back and forth where you guys are just not really clicking and then you hit em with the: “I’m not sure if you’re illiterate, struggle with reading comprehension, or are just plain stupid, tbh” but I assume you were done at that point 🤷
. 02$