I don’t own a gun and, personally, I find the idea barbaric.
But at this point I acknowledge that it’s time to arm myself. This is how far our society has degenerated.
However, I 100% disagree with Jan 6. That was a bunch of children with absolutely zero understanding of what they were doing. That was an example of how NOT to have a meaningful rebellion against an oppressive system. Those were fools behaving like fools and cheapening the idea of activism. They had no grasp of what they were doing or why. They were the antithesis of a true patriot that wants what is best for their society and goes about achieving that in a responsible, effective manner that inspires people to be the best version of a democratic citizen. They should not be idolized. They are an embarrassment to our nation.
We should be setting a better example. We are shaming this democracy in a way that makes me physically ill. We are acting in a way as to paint us as failures in a historical context to future generations and it is truly shameful. This is our legacy.
I’d say you’re emulating me, but I’m getting upvoted and you’re getting downvoted. You’re just the broken knockoff version of something better (and smarter).
What a profoundly stupid and non-sensical comment.
We thought GenZ was going to save us, but that was bullshit.
I work with a few in a DEEP BLUE state in a field in which the majority of my co-workers have been liberal and they’re Trumpers. Morons who grew up on social media and had their minds warped by it. Fell for the alpha male bullshit too.
They aren’t going to save us. They’re pretty dumb.
A few weeks before the election Trump and Musk had a publicly available sit down in which they talked about how much they hated unions and how worker rights just got in their way.
And then working class Americans came out in the millions and voted for them.
THAT is how stupid Americans are.
The worker rights that took generations to acquire and that people literally died for…well, you can kiss them all goodbye.
We are a truly stupid society.
You can kiss our federal government goodbye.
And we’re all about to find out exactly how important an operational federal government is.
Welcome to Russia 2.0
Racist immigrant says what?
In comparison to what we’re probably going to be left with for the rest of our lives, what we had before MAGA will seem like a fucking utopia.
It will take decades of scraping and clawing things through Congress to get back what we’re going to lose in a few short years. Assuming our government is even recognizable by the end of this.
If you have the means, it may actually be time to make another country home. If you don’t, you need to come to terms that you will probably spend the rest of your life living in a declining nation where your rights are threatened.
Americans literally just voted to gut what was left of the middle class.
Super, almost unbelievably, stupid society we live in.
I actually do.
We’re entirely fucked.
We’re going to spend the rest of our lives witnessing the enshitification of this nation. Even if we completely turn this crash and burn around, we’ll then spend the rest of our lives watching things being slowly rebuilt as traitorous Republicans continue to obstruct.
I don’t think a lot of Americans are grasping exactly how hard we fucked ourselves by refusing to responsibly inform ourselves even to a minimal degree.
Know how we can directly trace the enshitification of the United States in many ways back to the Reagan administration?
Yeah, we just did that to ourselves again. But probably worse.
Realistically, we’re going to spend the remainder of our lives witnessing the further enshitification of this nation.
At this point its still surprising that people are dumb enough to believe his words over his actions…
Not to me. At least half of Americans are not much better than apes. Honestly feels like we’ve got two different branches of the human tree coexisting. Like Neanderthals coexisting with homo sapiens.
It sucks that we have a society overflowing with braindead losers.
Spineless coward says what?
Just here to point out that both candidates would absolutely not have handled the situation in the same way.
We chose the worse option. And by “we” I mean every loser that didn’t vote blue.
Every single American that didn’t vote blue voted for this.
They were warned.
Say goodbye to the middle class. We just gave what was left of it to billionaires.
What’s unexpected about it? We re-elected a twice impeached anti-democratic felon rapist who utterly failed his last term.
Every American who could rub brain cells together warned this would happen.
Unfortunately, those people represent a minority in The Divided States of Dumbfuckistan.
This. The real answer is that Americans won’t come together in solidarity to address this situation until almost every non-wealthy citizen in this country has their quality of life decline so much that they have nothing left to lose. We’re going to have to lose all our creature comforts before we take this seriously as a society. And honestly, by then, we’ll have lost so much power that it’ll be too late.
Realistically, the time is right now, and, if we’re being candid, it probably already past.
We are sooooo fucked.