Mind the cows in the nebula Richard… I mean number 1
Mind the cows in the nebula Richard… I mean number 1
Oh my god it’s true!
That looks hilarious, defintely going to check it out!
I was always partial to Tucker and Dale vs Evil for horror comedy
It’s happening!
How strong is her neck!?
This is the same with my last ex. I quit and left, invited him to come with me but he chose drugs. I don’t think he’s dead but I’ve had to block him on all channels, every come down he calls begging me to take him back saying he’ll change. I’m not sure he ever will because I don’t think he wants to change, drugs gives him something to feel awful about and that’s what he wants/feels he deserves.
Absolutely no regrets on my part even though I thought we were going to get married one day.
We have one in our office that we put on a shelf above eye height when we’re all working. It seems to be okay just kind of shining down on us. It’s usually on the whole day but we’re only in for a few hours at a time, we all have meetings and appointments with other people so pop in and out of the office.