Friend of DeSoto

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 18th, 2023


  • It says nothing about spyware, the article isn’t hyped up at all, and describes a token to track installations vs downloads.

    "This data will allow us to correlate telemetry IDs with download tokens and Google Analytics IDs. This will allow us to track which installs result from which downloads to determine the answers to questions like, “Why do we see so many installs per day, but not that many downloads per day?”

    Also there is an opt-out during installation.

    I don’t even use Firefox, and I honestly am not attacking but your comment seemed very hyperbolic and with little detail.

    You’re right that it’s good to be aware of this stuff, I also don’t see this being a road block for the average user.

  • I use Android, so Fedilab was the app I’m using.

    I didn’t want my feed to be an endless stream of news or other languages. So first I joined a smaller server, with a topic I care about.

    Then I followed a few journalists, and followed tags I care about like cycling, my hometown, tech news relevant to me, and TV shows.

    Lastly after I had that base of content… I went looking for people. When someone posts something I like, I check their other posts… do I like those too? If he’s then I look at who they follow. Big accounts usually don’t follow a lot of others. This is endless but really gave me a consistent group of people who I care what they think and say.

    Not easy but worth the time over the course of a week or two.

    Also I watched the #followfriday tag where people lost accounts they follow and why.

    Also, look at the top accounts lists that exist. Threads accounts have millions of followers so it’s a good bet it’ll be good.

  • I agree and started putting effort into Mastodon. It took a week or two of filtering and browsing to find users and content but I’ve definitely found a more engaging base of content to interact with that is nice.

    I was an engaged redditor who switched 100% to Lemmy and I do not feel quite satisfied with the comments and content.

    I’ll stick around, but I find myself on Mastodon and using Ground News more often.

    Btw I have comments in my history of how frustrated I was about finding content on Mastodon, but suddenly it clicked after I spent a bunch of time on it. Not a raving endorsement but ultimately I do enjoy it.

    Another side note, I was looking for some top users to follow and some have 10k followers, cool. Then I find some federated threads accounts with millions and realize how small we are in comparison. I know why, and I understand it, but it’s truth that small user bases have less ideas.