This does not seem easy
This does not seem easy
Judging by the undisturbed earth and grass growth I would say it is at least a few years old.
8 minutes of B-roll stock footage really does it for me. mob&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m
It is you who is the feckless cunt, sir.
Found the European
Trickle down economics.
I got fired from my role at the orange juice factory.
I couldn’t concentrate.
Pretty sure those are croissants
Surely you must see that each case is nuanced and having a blanket statement for everyone is just naive? Saying “you must work hard at your family relationships simply because they are family” is just as generalized as “you have the agency to block out family members when they wrong you.”
The world is shades of grey and having a staunch, polarized opinion is limiting oneself.
Not a dinosaur