I’m not putting clean drinking water up my ass unless I’m gonna drink it later
I’m not putting clean drinking water up my ass unless I’m gonna drink it later
They’re pretty big shits
you just reminded me i didn’t buy last year’s annual belt buckle, and I should have my belt buckle lady do this
didn’t he have this problem of not understanding what the department of energy did last term?
favorite way to wake up, even if mine only stays there for like 30 seconds.
My aunt in the 90s said membership in the klan in Atlanta was as prevalent as membership in the boy scouts. I have little reason to doubt her.
Like, describing the dead zone on a controller? The deadzone range? I dunno I’m pulling it out of my ass, like most language is generated
Often the trick behind a lot of these ridiculous methods is they make you hope for a specific outcome, thus exposing a previously hidden desire
Get a bunch of dwarves, get drunk and try to liberate some jobs?
One drugs please, doctor
The moment I learned the whole party gets AP for grinding materia in rebirth I was a happy gremlin.
Deadzone is for adjectives, dead zone for nouns
I can’t even get floss between some of my teeth without shredding it how am I supposed to get a toothbrush in there. If floss or a waterpik, which I really should buy, can’t do it, I’m out of luck.
I floss when I get shit between my teeth. I eat popcorn most nights so I floss most nights. It works out.
dress up in tights and hang around gotham?
i find this entirely fascinating because i’m the opposite. I write shit down because it’s too loud in my brain. like, right now left ear wants to listen to Hurricane from Hamilton, right ear wants to listen to Hurricane by Bob Dylan so I’m getting both of them and it’s kind of hard to think until that settles down.
As someone who’s done all three at once involuntarily, the body responds by hiccoughing.
Rubber undies. It doesn’t really help with the mess, but the farts sound funnier
Yes and no. There’s always new ways to experience things. I just saw a great concert last night. I knew all the songs, but the presentation changed. People are always creating.