Software Developer, Switzerland
Languages: German, Allemanic (Swiss German), English
Hobbies: Gaming, Anime

I almost only watch seasonal anime.
As for games, I currently mostly play Star Rail, Noita, and Shotgun King.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • but I’m curious how you expect Gazans to sing peace’s praises

    I don’t, I only answered your question (“How is UNRWA perpetuating anything?”). Most of which was quoted from an article I linked.

    I’m not the original poster you originally replied to. I actually agree with what you say about Israel perpetuating the conflict too, probably more. But UNRWA is undeniably doing its part too.

  • They teach antisemitism and terrorism.

    I’ve found this article that talks about it (among some other reasons), though I’ve also seen it on other sites.

    A recent report by the watchdog group IMPACT-se highlighted that UNRWA’s educational materials, based on the Palestinian Authority (PA) curriculum, contain antisemitic content and celebrate violence and martyrdom-jihadist culture.

    UNRWA has a significant position in educating almost 545,000 Palestinian children across the Middle East.

    The IMPACT-se report examined educational materials used in UNRWA schools, particularly in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem, where the PA curriculum is adopted.

    The PA curriculum, which has been under scrutiny since its 2016 revision, is found to contain – like it did before its revision – antisemitic content and the promotion of violence, jihad, and ‘martyrdom’ culture, while omitting teachings of peace and coexistence. UNRWA, while not producing its own curriculum, supplements the host country’s curriculum with additional materials. Despite pledges to counter-act calls for violence by UNRWA, the report found a disturbing failure to do so.

    More than 80 UNRWA teachers and staff across more than 30 schools have been caught distributing hateful content in their textbooks.

    According to UN Watch: “Teachers and schools at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which runs education and social services for Palestinians, regularly call to murder Jews, and create teaching materials that glorify terrorism, encourage martyrdom, demonize Israelis and incite antisemitism.”

  • With regular search, I have to look through all kinds of results before I find something, and often I have to adjust my search parameters until the search engine even understands what I’m looking for.

    The AI still needs me to actually confirm what it’s saying, but that’s checking 1-3 links, not entire search result pages.

    It’s also just waaaaay easier to talk to my search engine in natural language than keywords imo. I never know what keywords get me to my intended destination, I guess the difference is less big for people that do.

  • Thing is, as I understand, on kbin, you don’t really get a feed of the people you follow like on mastodon.

    There’s no dedicated follow feed, yeah, but I noticed posts and threads of followed accounts showing up in my subscribed feed, even though they were made in a community I’m not subscribed to. So I think the follow and subscribed feeds are probably just merged together currently, or rather “following” a user is being treated as just a flavor synonym for subscribing to a user.

  • kbin can interact with mastodon freely, so if that’s something you want to be able to do easily, you might want to switch over from lemmy.

    I was thinking you can probably open the user’s profile on lemmy and reply to the post from there, but testing that didn’t seem to work. I assume that’s just federation taking a while though, so I’d say try it anyway. Searching for @name@usersmastodoninstance I mean. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.

  • I still use Reddit, I didn’t move here because I was pissed at apps going away (never used them anyway), just wanted to familiarize myself before I’ll be forced to move when they inevitably remove old reddit in the future.

    There’s still communities important to me that either only exist on Reddit or have way too little engagement here. Until they remove old reddit or that changes, I’ll stay on reddit. But I’m doing my part by having disabled ads on reddit (I had them enabled before the third party app stuff).