So only solids can be wet?
So only solids can be wet?
a) why? b) what does your shell prompt look like?
@[email protected] @[email protected]
#! /bin/bash
if [ -z "$(pgrep -x $launcher)" ];
$bar &
pkill -x $bar
pkill -x $launcher
i despise bars but it would still be nice to know the time
I have a script set up to only show the bar when i have my launcher up. I can share it here if you like.
is no one going to point out the jarpet
I hate the implication that AI girlfriends aren’t real
wth is the dog resting its face on
‘this often confuses people’
‘here’s a solution: learn’
does spoofing user agent fix this?
What can we learn from this?
Knives have the most dominant qualities and butter has the least dominant qualities out of these three objects
comic mono