Just a guy jumping from a hot mess into more prosperous waters.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • It’s not that difficult, but bad drivers make it difficult for everyone else. Coming to a complete stop should be instinct, it’s a red light after all. But some still treat it like a green because of right on red. They’ll turn up to 24 kph so long as they don’t see obstacles at a glance. This is the danger for pedestrians and oncoming traffic, everything is secondary to the bad driver’s intention. Add the popularity of bigger vehicles which increase the likelihood of fatal crashes and reduce curb visibility, it can be pretty dicey.

    Ideally I’d like to see stronger enforcement for full stop on red. But if we can’t get bad drivers to change I’ll take sitting at the red over an accident any day.

  • A lot of nuance will be missed without some gradation between “I <3 China” and “Down with Pooh!” For example, if we added “Slightly favorable”, “Neutral”, and “Slightly unfavorable” we would begin to see just how favorable younger generations are. Rather than presume there is a deep divide on trade policy, if two bars are almost equal, we may see they are largely neutral. Similarly we could see just how favorable their views of TikTok really are by looking at the spread between neutral to “I <3 China!”

  • I feel that this can be addressed at application step. Any date of birth proven to be under 18 cannot apply without an in person interview. This protects minors from taking on debt without fully understanding the implications, and puts responsibility on the lender for providing credit to a minor. If credit is provided and defaults the debt should be the lender’s problem for taking such a huge risk.

    Alternatively, the same premise with the exception that an adult is required as a cosigner. If the account defaults the burden is shifted to the adult as they have the cognizance to understand and take responsibility.

    I wouldn’t outright ban giving accounts to minors. My parents opened a savings account in my name and kept it in good standing. This gave me a big credit boost that my peers never had. But I realize I am an exception, and the problem others face is very real.