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Joined 28 days ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2024


  • You’re once again taking my words, which have always been about this online discussion and the words being used in it and using it to paint an inaccurate portrait that I do not care about women’s trauma irl. Patently untrue. I care about how people jump at every opportunity to disparage the other sex online through offensive generalisations, then hide it behind a veneer of thin justifications, such as “you wouldn’t feel hurt if you weren’t the target”, or “see? you’re proving our point that all men are evil and suck”, or whatever the argument of the day is.

    That’s my problem. It’s a bandwagon effect that won’t stop because the group being the target of the accusations online is immediately targeted when they defend themselves. See a familiar pattern? This is why it needs to stop. You claim to want empathy from both sides, well, it starts with stopping the us vs. them nonsense and aggressive generalising about all men.

    There’s a little thing called self-reinforcing positive attitudes, but without breaking the cycle you feed the opposite behaviour.

  • Yes, but you’re talking about IRL situations. Why can’t you differentiate online? It’s so easy to say that you need to be careful because of rapists. Instead you spread a message of being careful around all men. It’s disingenuous, and it leads to ostracization and a loneliness epidemic like the one that’s currently and actively fuelling the movements you despise.

  • even if they are not correct for every single person in the generalised group

    That’s your problem, you’re willing to lump everyone together. I can also go around looking at every minutia and flaw I can find from different people and lumping them all together under the “Women” umbrella, but I don’t because I’m not fucking stupid. Tell me again the percentage of the male population that does each and every single different thing you claim all men do? That’s right, it’s a fraction of a percentage. Most men are good. And yet “all men” enter your generalisation.