To paraphrase the gay chant from the 90’s: 4% is not enough RECRUIT RECRUIT RECRUIT!
To paraphrase the gay chant from the 90’s: 4% is not enough RECRUIT RECRUIT RECRUIT!
I’m old enough to remember W bribing Judy Miller and that other guy whose name eludes me rn at the NYT while paying gay hooker Jeff Gannon to ask softballs in the White House press corps… a simpler time…
If pwns were ponies neolib posters would ride…
I will grant, this is kind of a bad time. Pipewire, pulseaudio, and the Wayland transition make all of this WAY buggier than it was a few years ago. Fedora, I find, works best these days, but is not without issues. In some ways, though, never been a better time, as Windows 11 is itself adware basically, and Apple breaks shit all the time on update if you’re a power user. I’ve been a linux-er since 1996, but this is the first time I’ve gone YEARS without any non-unix stacks in my life, and I’m all linux on normal computer form factors, and it’s been great mostly.
If this is punching down, isn’t that gross, and if it’s punching up, isn’t that an admission the chuds won? I just don’t get the point of this adolescent needling in pop culture spaces.
Jen Dillon O’Malley ran the campaign and just happens to own a PR firm that makes a cut on the ineffective ads and $1 mil celeb endorsements and $100k podcast sets. Funny that the party whose corruption doesn’t require winning cares less about winning.
If I recall correctly they also floated an “octopi are a well known antisemitic symbol” thing and went after her for having a stuffed octopus in a video behind her.
I remember the first time I worked on an IIS Windows Server stack I was like “Wait, you run this VNC bullshit on your prod server inherently?!?!”
Enjoy 1/3rd of those customizations breaking if you ever upgrade.
Let THEM feel like their life is precarious for once. I am SO here for this.
I agree, but I got hooked on Apple gestures from work. I’m like a cop who had to go undercover and got hooked on speed to operate
Banned me from for x hours for saying Biden was a bad candidate and the DNC should have had a primary back in… September, maybe October? I think it was temporary but I blocked in response because it’s an asylum taken over by the lunatics. Google FlyingSquid, you’ll find people here and on reddit letting you know how they are. Abject scum. I will NOT engage with anything that platforms “people” like that animal.
You have spoken the actual truth
I’m still waiting for Gnome’s titlebar hiding on fullscreen extension to work again on Fedora 41 Gnome. As an enlightened individual where Gnome is good, tell me how to hide it again since I am dumb and you are smart.
Is capitalism… bad? i had no idea!
Gnome is Snow Leopard OSX basically in attitude and experience, do NOT try to customize anything, go limp and do the experience. KDE is Windows 98, full of fun customizations, but unpolished in odd ways no matter what you do. Choose your fighter!
I take Trump, had he been born black 20 years later, at the same face value as original flavor Trump. It’s all “swagger” to quote Black Trump.
I’m starting to suspect the backpack they found was a rando just doing a solid for a hero to throw off the pigs.
Going back to the earliest versions of Microsoft’s on-disk encryption it was backdoored by the feds. They’ve always been the AT&T of OS vendors per US government cooperation