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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • Random guy here, stumbled onto this thread.

    I can only drink decaf, doctors orders. My wife doesn’t drink more than a cup a day usually, caffeinated.

    We have a breville espresso machine, got it during COVID because we were home so much.

    We made coffee every day, sometimes several times a day. But now that we’re more or less back to normal, we’re not home often enough to use it regularly. Perhaps once a week.

    We still love fancy coffee, just not enough to get up a bit earlier to make it, and take it with us, and then clean the thermos later. Bah.

    So we go through a pound or so every few months. It’s actually a bit annoying because the coffee gets less fresh as the weeks go on.

    As for what coffee we buy? We buy local, there’s a roaster near our house, which always smells amazing when you drive by. Their coffee is fine, quite tasty even, it just all kind of tastes similar, if that makes sense. Even if I go for some fancy flavors, which I’m guilty of doing (in a separate special grinder), they all taste very similar in base flavor. Maybe people like that 🤷‍♂️ it’s fine.

    Our favorite coffee is schuil in Grand rapids Michigan, super tasty, and their flavors are phenomenal (if you like that kind of thing).

    Edit: beans are about $9-11/lb here in Michigan.

  • Thanks for the recommendation!

    I like the fold concept in theory, though it’s a bit exhausting protecting the screen all the time.

    Being able to set the phone anywhere at an angle to take a picture has come in handy super frequently.

    If this phone was full price though I think I’d be mad. I baby this screen line no tomorrow, and I’m diligent about keeping my pocket free of any dust and lint, let alone dirt or bits.

    I’ve got a tiny scratch in the middle of the fold, and the entire fold area has long tiny cracks forming from folding. I’ve only had this phone for like 7 or 8 months.

    My buddies broke in 30 days of buying it, and he had to fight to get it replaced.

    Again, I like the idea, and I enjoy using it. But there’s still too many pain spots for me to make the jump. It’ll have to get a lot cheaper or a lot more sturdy before I’ll get another.

  • It works! In the pot On the plate

    Not bad! Though I used Bisquick, for better flavor, and for the work involved dirtying bowls and measuring cups I’d rather just use a pan.

    In fact I made extra and made three pan sized pancakes in the time it took to make one big fluffy potcake.

    Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great Idea and it totally works. If I were gonna do it again seriously, I’d get a dedicated pancake mix that uses just water, to maximize the simplicity, which is the goal I think.

    It was fluffy and delicious, though I will say a lot of pancake flavor comes from the crispy edges and the thinness of the cake and you lose some of that with the thick potcake.

    Glad I tried it, thanks to op for the idea!

  • Thanks, I guess I still don’t understand though.

    I see now that watts and therefore kW are rates. So it’s silly to add another rate to the end by appending “per hour”. But what is the time component of the watt calculation? To me it’s essentially instantaneous, even if that’s wrong. Even if that breaks the math, it’s still essentially true on a macro scale. And if it’s instantaneous, or even just close like microseconds, then it doesn’t hurt to apend another rate to the end, does it?

    So why not use it? Batteries come with capacities rated in Wh and kWh, and it weirdly still makes sense to me because of my usage rate per hour example in my last comment.

    And if we shouldn’t use it, then what should we use?

    Is this problem we’re discussing, one that only occurs if you try to get really accurate with the numbers and times? Because for my uses it’s always seemed to work well enough.

    Not being argumentative, just trying to learn, thanks