Do the 3D mouses work?
Do the 3D mouses work?
Almost all the reviews for every game are good…Wait a week or two and see what the players say.
My problem is SolidWorks, SpaceClaim, etc. They do not run from my testing in Linux…Later I’ll try getting them going in a VM. I just worry about the performance hit.
I researched this a few years ago, but is their a way to get SolidWorks, SpaceClaim etc working on Linux? Or do I have to run a virtual machine with windows?
Ill just give the Amazon products that are advertised 1 star reviews. Enough people start doing that maybe we can do what helldiver did.
Needs some napkins for this spillage.
I’d redo shadowrun so it was fps but with access points for hackers riggers etc. so combat may take place here, but support staff is x miles away. AI badies so it’s not a cake run.
Dragon it just sucked Meet the Robinsons…It doesn’t get good till the last 30 or so minutes. But it’s a tough spot to get their.
Add political appointments can be recalled by the voters.
I remember I made it to a certain point in the first game where I just decided to walk away. Maybe come back in a few months to see if an update fixed some of the bugs I was experiencing. Then just never did.
I’ll watch the trailer, but I’ll probably waist my time on the DLC for Elder Ring when it comes out.
The real question is, does the interest go on hold till you reincarnate. Or does it keep accruing.
The taco’s and pizza never hurt anyone, or lied…I think the choice is clear.
Since Trump did not push the shutter button…Who owns the rights? Is it public domain?
It’s a tantrum…The world is ignoring them.