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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2024


  • I think this aspect of far right recruitment is the same everywhere: Wealth disparity and a strong, negative news cycle drive people to anything that claims to be against the established order.

    And despite all of this being a direct result of 40 years of ring wing policies (Reagan, Thatcher, privatization, deregulation, etc.), they successfully pinned it on liberals the the left at large and declared those to be the establishment.

    It is all too easy for someone wanting to rebel against the existing system to fall into the hands of this far right “counter-culture.”

  • cygon@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldSo...
    3 months ago

    I liked that about the comic.

    Our society has adopted this expectation that once a relationship has turned into love, it must remain that, and if its not eternal soul mates in total devotion, it’s not true love. You’re not allowed to dial it down, take a break from it or return to being friends, or it’s a “failed” relationship.

    The message of the comic subverts this, showing that without such baggage, you could just change the relationship to something else and still be happy.

    Instead, we assume from the beginning that the relationship is forever, throw our households together, and when the point would be right to return to normal friendship, we force ourselves to stick close until we can’t stand each other anymore.

  • Tankies make liberals uncomfortable because liberals believe they are the furthest left you can go

    Without trying to be combative, but that sounds like one of those tidbits which one side believes about the other, circulated only to divide. At least I don’t have the impression that it is a view with any footing amongst liberal-minded people.

    2021 PEW poll showing that 89% of liberals and 24% of conservatives support tuition-free college.

    Most liberals want to move further left, ideas like free college and public education, public transport, less corporate power and splitting up large corporations, even unconditional basic income, etc. are popular with the majority. Just violent revolution and authoritarianism won’t roll, after all, liberal means “live and let live.”

    As a mixed-ideology lefty (maybe I fit within your definition of liberal), I’m not worried about tankies being too far left, not at all, rather, I am tempted to think of them as confused right wingers believing themselves to be “the left.”

  • cygon@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldLemmy.ml tankie censorship problem
    4 months ago

    Thanks for bringing this up, it’s really needed.

    Your example is just one of many I’ve seen. The entire instance seems to be engaged in an opinion shaping campaign where only this gross mix of Western doomerism with Russia/China-glorifying fascism is allowed to thrive.

    I don’t know how to best deal with such indoctrination chambers. Their members become completely divorced from reality and there’s no way to pull them back from the brink because anything you could say to that effect gets moderator-deleted. Yet vice versa, they can freely spread their propaganda and engage in “raids” on other instances.

  • That what I read out of it, too.

    Disillusion with our future is setting in (and to what part it’s due to the negative news cycle, the growing gap between rich and poor, social media propaganda or other things can be argued).

    But there was, and is, no large, left movement with an attractive message to pick up those people, and right wingers both own all the big media and have long been conditioned to blame liberals and the left at large for all of their problems.

    During the Occupy Wallstreet days, I had hope, but what once was a movement of angry people with a good cause feels like it has since been replaced by a movement of even angrier people fighting those that want to fix things.

  • I believe the idea is:

    1. Mention nukes and grab everyone’s attention
    2. Run social media campaign (“oh noes, <insert undesirable politician or ideology> is leading us into war with nuclear power, they bad”)
    3. Have bought politicians and lobbyists push to reduce sanctions or block additional sanctions
    4. Profit.


    But increasingly, I see step 2 fail and people simply hate the guy more for his destructive megalomania, as they should.

  • I wonder what their idea of the outcome is.

    Tankie: “I convinced 20 Democratic Party voters to stay at home (and did the same for 0 Republican Party voters). Wait until Democratic politicians see that more voters favored the far right party. Then they’re going to move left and fall on their knees and beg me to forgive them.

    (Cue scene: swastika-adorned tanks rolling past the window)

    Stupid liberals, unwilling to fight the fascists like us true leftists.” (Watches tanks and twiddles thumbs.) (Fetches keyboard.) “Let’s tell everyone online that it’s their own fault and they deserve this.” (Sudden sound of harsh knocking on front door.)

    At best, their actions will “only” cause another grid-locked presidency where progressives can’t get their reforms to pass (which will then be used as the reason to abandon the likely last line of non-violent defense against fascists).

  • A subgroup of people on the left who believe in communism and mostly hold pro-Russia and pro-China views, while often having a “doomer” mentality in regard to the US.

    Unfortunately, that has them made very susceptible to Russian propaganda, to the point where they’re now doing the bidding of Russia and helping fascists rise to power.

    The mechanisms are similar to MAGA. They’ve disconnected from classical media and their echo chambers censor posts that highlight positive developments in the US or posts critical of Russia/China. Once inside, their world view collides with the outside and it’s hard to get out again. Similarly to Russians and Republicans, they vilify liberals (“liberals are complicit in xy”, “scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds”, “Marx warned liberalism inevitably leads to fascism”, etc.).

    On here, they’re largely the people dissuading US Democratic Party voters from turning out, via “both sides bad” and recently via claim-to-purity (I’m sure you’ve encountered one of those “genocide joe” posts, which are kinda awkward, since tankies commonly support/deny China’s genocide on the Uyghurs and Russia’s genocide on Ukrainians).

  • Theistic Satanists

    These would be the (mostly imaginary) ones that conservative Christians are fearmongering about. They’d believe the actual devil exists and that by serving him, they could gain something.

    Atheistic Satanists

    The kind that is pulling this stunt to fight for religious freedom. Specifically, The Satanic Temple. Their “commandments” are secular compassion, empathy and justice.

    Amusingly, the biblical Satan seemed to value many of those things. Freedom (“non serviam” / “I will not serve”), Reason (apple from tree of knowledge in paradise), and perhaps Self Reliance and Equality (in some variants of the creation myth, Adam has a divorced first wive named Lilith who gave him the middle finger when he pulled that alpha male malarkey)

  • Not seeing it, sorry.

    1. It’s pretty normal that main stream reporting looks critically at fringe groups. That can be frustrating, but it’s not an attack. Also consider that any time MSM publish anything that could outrage the political fringes, it is cherry picked and makes its run through the fringe communities.
    2. To consider that as liberals attacking the left, I’d have to put on a tin foil hat and buy into the far-right conspiracy theory of “liberal bias in media” or even assume the main stream media and liberals are synonymous.
    3. And if I was taking “MSM” literally, the most-watched news medium in the US happens to be Fox News, which essentially put the idea of blaming and vilifying liberals for all the ills in the world on the map.