Regardless of one’s politics, over-reliance on presidential decrees can be problematic in more ways than one.
Regardless of one’s politics, over-reliance on presidential decrees can be problematic in more ways than one.
Jesus Christ so many of you on here are in love with your echo chambers aren’t you? Every other day there is something about instance wars and oh let’s see, whom do we want to exclude today. You don’t have to like what others have to say, but you have to be able to listen to them.
Wait did world defederare from ml after all? I thought it hadn’t. Because people keep complaining about ml and I still see memes.ml and comments from ml users. Or is it one of these things where federation works in ways that are more complex than most of us assume? Is it that the other instances defederated from world? But I’ve seen ml users comment on my comments. Argh federarion is confusing…
He clearly thinks he’s going to extend it. But he may indeed cause irreparable damage.
Maybe. And apparently you really want to believe it. Not saying it’s necessarily true or false, just that the people complaining on this thread make some valid points. We do after all like to vilify China/NK on this side of the fence. Vilification goes both ways ;)
There’s no credible sources in any of this. A ban may or may not have come to pass, and if it has, it’s possible it’s for some health-related reason, similarly to how processed meats have been taken out of school lunches in other countries. The news itself is not necessarily false, but there’s a definitive spin to this as with almost all English-language news on North Korea. Unfortunately it’s hard for any of us to get any objective info on what’s happening in the country.
Oh wow veilguard got so much flak that it’s refreshing to hear someone so positive on it.
Ah isn’t it fun? Liberals downvoting you for speaking out against arms sales. The world is itching for war and preparing for it unfortunately and many liberals are fully onboard.
Are we still going to refer to them as Putin’s puppets, when the US has been angling for a while now to become the greatest exporter of alt-right ideology? Doesn’t this detract from the fact that the US isn’t exporting democracy anymore (if it ever did) and is instead exporting its degeneration into whatever Bannon/Trump/Musk/Thiel and others want it to become?
Maybe calling them Putin’s puppets helps discredit them on US soil, but the rest of us see the US go the way of Russia and China. And a bleak future in which most of us will only get to choose between different flavors of authoritarianism…
Yeah it’s weird because you can both see Russia as an exporter of hate, but the US is on it too. I guess before late everyone will be on it.
I didn’t even know that was a thing :(
So I checked and could not find any review bombing. If there was one, it was tiny and not worth talking about.
They review-bombed BG3? For shame. Why?
I wasn’t aware, but basically this confirms my suspicion above regarding how this is playing out in the Chinese psyche so to speak.
While he comes off as a jerk, and possibly is one, I can understand the sentiment, having spent a few years of my life among ethnically Chinese people in Asia. There is this drive and aspiration to be recognized by leading brands in the West as equals, perhaps even betters. Due to a history of subservience and shame and a strong nationalistic current seeking to undo that.
This game is one of the most ambitious and accomplished to come out of China and they’re hungering for that kind of recognition. So it is likely that fans of the game feel it was ‘stolen’ from them and he seems to be responding to that sentiment. To us it looks petty, but to some of the game’s most ardent Chinese fans this may have been an appropriate response. Not sure how this was received in China though, just speculating.
I will sometimes stir fry mushrooms and add to any sandwich with cheese and ham for some extra juice and flavor. Or slice a boiled egg. Also cherry tomatoes. Or a slice of a larger tomato. Or grilled vegetables…. So many variations you can make. For a break from the yellow cheese and ham I will sometimes get some smoked salmon or whatever fish I can with some creamy cheese and lettuce. Avocado too goes well with… well… all of the above.
Don’t we all love a strawman
Ah and for a moment there I thought it would have been so cool if a developer were to publicly admit they fell asleep during gameplay…
Nice storytelling, but clunky combat that I got burned out on fast :(