Musician, mechanic, writer, dreamer, techy, green thumb, emigrant, BP2, ADHD, Father, weirdo


  • 29 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I’ve been reluctant to use Timeshift (in rsync mode) because I’ve twice ended up hosed by it (quite possibly because of a fundamental misunderstanding).

    Doesn’t Timeshift create snapshot files that your system ends up living in, much like VMware?

    Case in point, I misconfigured the Timeshift backup location and wanted to correct it. I deleted snapshot files and went about pointing to the new location. But on reboot, all failed because the snapshot files were apparently live, and could no longer be found. I was dead in the water and had to reinstall. A few weeks later I tried again and ended up in the same situation where a snapshot location was removed and the system failed.

    Now I’m afraid to use it.

    I frequently read posts and other info like this that lead me to believe I just did something wrong and can benefit from using Timeshift, but I also don’t want to rely on running from snapshot files, and prefer my backup to live in snapshots, rather than my live system.

    I’m used to snapshots in TrueNAS and virtualization, so this should be an easy transition, but experience has taught me fear.

  • tl;dr I really don’t get it either.

    I really don’t understand how people can do it. I moved to a developing nation in the Caribbean. Everyone’s livelihood is connected to nature here. Reefs, especially. Yet every local I have met will casually toss their garbage. I went to a festival on the beach and most of the locals were burying their trash in the sand just enough to keep it from blowing away in the moment. Some don’t even bother with that pretense. There were trash cans in easy strolling distance, every 50 feet.

    The roads and waterways are stuffed with garbage here. I live on a canal that connects to the sea, and have watched tour guides and fishing expeditions tossing plastic bottles, polystyrene food containers and plastic bags overboard daily for two years. These are the same people protesting dredging their flats and cayes near the reef, but inexplicably and deliberately ignorant of their own impact.

    Also interesting to observe is the speed at which the nation transitioned from class and aluminum drink containers to plastics. Mt first visit here was just three years ago, and most drinks were in bottles that were clearly recycled. Laser etch marks, rubbing from other bottles, etc. Now its all plastic. There’s a national ban on single use plastics, but it isn’t enforced, and it all ends up in the water and in the ground.

    When I first witnessed the ghastly indifference of everyone here regarding proper disposal of garbage, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was like watching a bunch of five year-old kids, the way they shamelessly toss their trash to the wind.

  • I’m nor a cash-only convert, but I have some anecdotal evidence for you.

    I’ve visited Boston five times in the past thirty years. Every single time I used my debit card at Thanuel Hall for food, my card was later used for fraud. Always caught and never a big inconvenience beyond replacing my card, but still not ideal. I only ever use cash there now.

    Online shopping, before the Amazon monopoly on e-commerce, my card would get compromised every few months.

    Now I use for all transactions that allow it, and its amazing how often those cards are stolen. Thanks to the way the service works, the stolen cards are useless to scammers or thieves, but my declined transaction filter has a few charges declined each month.

    My point being that if you want to avoid fraud, and you can do it, cash is king.

  • I used to provide commercial end-user support for a network intelligence product that used as much metadata as possible to help classify endpoints, shuffling them off to the right captive portals for the right segment based on that data.

    I can tell you that the things you’re saying are transmitted in a DHCP request/offer are just not. If they were, my job would’ve been a LOT easier. The only information you can count on are a MAC address.

    I can’t view that link you shared, but I’ve viewed my share of packet captures diagnosing misidentified endpoints. Not only does a DHCP request/offer not include other metadata, it can’t. There’s no place for OS metrics. Clients just ask for any address, or ask to renew one they think they can use. That only requires a MAC and an IP address.

    I suppose DHCP option flags could maybe lead to some kind of data gathering, but that’s usually sent by the server,not the client.

    I think, at the end of the day, fighting so that random actors can’t find out who manufactured my WiFi radio just isn’t up there on my list of “worth its” to worry about.